Archive for the ‘shirts!’ Category

We gets down!

You can't imagine how much fun we're having


Yeah baby!

Team Black doing what it does best... kicking ass 😉


We gets down :)

Notice the shovel? We dug in the dark!



She made it through, and then taught Zumba afterward, don't worry everyone


So I must say… Black Light Special 3.0 was a success! There are sore cores and smiles running abound, and that was one hundred percent the goal… The only thing that could be cooler is… 80’s night! Next Tuesday and Thursday teams, rock your best 80’s gear! Whether Don Johnson and Cyndi Lauper or Flock of Seagulls and Culture Club, I’m expectin’ to see EVERYONE black velvet their sweet asses on in with some gusto!

I wanna say thanks again to everyone for showing up for the Black Light Special 3.0 :). I promise they will continue to get bigger and better as we go, while the workouts will stay retaining the ability to make you feel as if you’ve never felt more alive by making you feel like you’re dyin’ ;).

Also, Black Light Zumba might be turned into a monthly event… FYI 😉

– Hulk

1/5th of our Tough Mudder Team! The finale picture… I dare you to find a dry spot of clothing!

I just wanted to lete everyone know that your team shirts are on their way! I will share my shirt story with you in person since I’m not a big “Slander supporter” but let’s just say a local company screwed my HARD. I had shirts meticulously designed and worked out, only to be given the finger and a frown by said company… But never fear, I made it work! They’re just a little later than I would have liked them to be…

Also, a reminder that tomorrow is the red, white, and BRUISED workout! Come dressed accordingly! Your best red, white, and blue apparel :). Let’s honor the lives lost on the 10th year anniversary of September 11th! See you all in a few short hours 😉

– Hulk