Archive for the ‘Shovel Grabbing’ Category


[Nelly Furtado]
I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side

Something ’bout mary
Never won a pageant
Never felt pretty
Never looked like cameron
Diaz was her last name
Always been abandoned
Keep your head up

Baby girl this is your anthem
There goes hannah
Showin’ off her banner
Rocking that crown
Make them boys go bananas
When you’re insecure about yourself
It’s a fact
You can point a finger
But there’s three pointing bac
I can see her crying out, yeah
Is there anybody out there?

She’s really counting on your love
Still struggling uphill
But you act like you don’t care
Right now she could really use a shoulder
Hanging onto the edge til it’s over
She’s crying for your love tonight
Loneliest heart to survive, she said

[Nelly Furtado]
I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side
Is anybody out there? yeah, yeah, yeah

Is anybody out there?
(somebody, anybody)

His name was adam
When his mom had him
Dad was a phantom never took a look at him
Grew up mad and antisocial
Hated outdoors, always in playing madden
Adam was lonely
Drugs were the only
Way out of his own life
Now he’s slowly losing his fire
Close to retire
With one last hope he puts his arms up higher
I can see him crying out, yeah
Is anybody out there?

He’s really counting on your love
Still struggling uphill
But you act like you don’t care
Right now he could really use a shoulder
Hanging onto the edge til it’s over
He’s crying for your love tonight
Loneliest heart to survive, he said

[Nelly Furtado]
I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side
Is anybody out there?

If you feel the way I feel
Like you’ve been talking to yourself
Well this one’s for everyone who’s felt invisible
Lonely in a crowded room
Searching for someone like you
Can’t do it all alone (no one can baby)
Can’t do it all alone (no one should baby)
Is anybody out there?
(somebody, anybody)
Is anybody out there?
I’m right here for your
Is anybody out there?

I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side
Is anybody out there? yeah, yeah, yeah
I don’t wanna do it all alone
I need your love to take me home
No one said you should be all alone
I’m right here
Is anybody out there?

Well there you have it… Hulk X’s team song. One team, one dream. Like I said in the 1st boot camp of Hulk X, think about what side of the line you’re on. Whether you need a helping hand or are giving one, everybody needs somebody. You signed up for a team experience as well as an individual experience. We will all be trading back and forth, and the sooner you lead with your heart and refuse to let your brain be your detractor, the sooner the healing can begin. The sooner the sunshine feels like sunshine. The sooner you can bask in the joy of being a leader when you are CONVINCED you are a follower. 

Get very familiar with this gem of a song. You will hear it often. This is your anthem Gamma, Beast, and Banner. Wear this song and its meaning on your sleeve as you go through this challenge living by the Hulken Rule; Treat others BETTER than you wish to be treated. Reach out with hand and heart as you know full well and without hesitation then when you are the one in need you can call along any of the sweat filled brows in front of you.

I want to share a story that was shared with ME today. I didn’t ask permission to retell so I will leave the names out. Yesterday (Wednesday) in the back alley, we were taking a little “jaunt in the park” (lunging 3 times down the length of almost a football field). Per usual, once everyone started to complete their 3 lap minimum, all the returning Hulksters started to go back to the line. A new Hulkster notices and says to one (the person who told me this) “hey, you already finished your 3! We don’t have to do more, do we?” and this person replies “No way, welcome to Hulk. We don’t leave anybody behind.”

That little anecdote will be one of MANY experiences that will play through my head when this rings out during wall sits, push up sessions, and plank-a-thons. Welcome to a movement.



PS for those of you who weren’t at orientation or haven’t heard… This challenge we have a goal. Based upon past challenge averages, I want to lose 300 lbs this challenge and 340 inches. I expect to blow those numbers out of the water. Based on what Hulk always does… by digging deep. I haven’t forgotten about these goals nor am I done addressing them. When the dust settles from the first week Hulksters…. BANGERANG!!!

– Hulk

I wrote about the journey, and now you can see it:

We are already training for Tahoe (Northstar) going down September 22nd and 23rd of THIS YEAR.

To register for Team Hulk – Tough Mudder CLICK HERE

Saturday‘s team name is HULK and password is hulk2012

Sunday‘s team name is Team Hulk and password is bangerang

To get added to the Team Hulk Tough Mudder Facebook Group CLICK HERE

For more information, E-mail myself (Josh Cox) at


– Hulk

Team Green vs. Team Black

20 vs. 20... Let the games begin!

Cory vs. Bud

Time to get down with the get down...

Battle starts now...

Everybody literally "Getting Down"

One of the toughest Mudders I know!

He's so dreamy...

Scraped and bruised!

Jessica won the plank off... These are her trophies 🙂

He never loses this intensity...
Placed 2nd place on the plank off out of both teams!
I was doing something...

Get in there Cara!

I love that woman :)

She always keeps me on my toes!

About ready to Hulk Smash...

Makin' the shovel look good 😉

Beast mode

This man is a beast. Jose Zavala. Remember the name.

Diggin' deep at its finest

This girl is amazing. Shaleena Gibson. Remember that name too. Ask her to show you her "Invincible" tattoo 😉

Get it girl!

"Make your own luck." She is. Love her.


I get a little excited 🙂

Core destruction!

Both teams of twenty in a race to pass back an 18 lb kettleback back and forth twenty times

Birthday Boy!

Should say "Shut up and look FAAAAAAABULOUS!"

Ginat Killer

I can't tell you how many people from Team Black this man took down... GIANT KILLER!

Make your own inspiration

Feet don't fail me now! Cara Tocchini got Tye and myself a pair of these bad boys... Unveiled at the "Blacklight Special 3.0" workout perhaps? Yes. Definitely.,


'Nuff said. Brain Stew

Ready to pull!

The REAL Superstar was Trevor, the young buck in the red!

Ready to pull!

"Shut up and pull"

Well ladies and gents… The showdown at the park was as legendary as I was hoping. Other than an unfortunate injury (Anne is ok everyone! A partially torn Gastrocnemius is what it ended up being. A pre-existing running injury did not help the cause :(. Bottom line, she will be ok! CLICK HERE to wish her well! As a matter of fact, CLICK HERE to wish Tami Larsen some votes of confidence! She ruptured her Achilles doing Tough Mudder, and I know some words of positivity will help tremendously!)

The air was thick with anticipation as both teams, donning battle gear with their team colors, took the grassy stage… Tempers were cool but motivation to show the other team how hard each team has been working was on the fore front of everyone’s mind! That, or “just make it through… just make it through…”

First, I lined everyone up facing each other. Then, I took the “alternates” (People who I invited to take the place of team members if the teams were uneven) and placed them accordingly. Next, I went down the line and individually matched people up with likely abilities (until the end when people had to get pair up based on who was left :D). Once every Team Green member had their Team Black nemesis lined up in front of them and vice versa, it was time to GET DOWN!

First on the agenda was 15 rounds of 5 squats, hold for 5 seconds, and repeat! This was the warm-up, and boy howdy was it effective :). Next up? A Plank off! I had everyone get down into a plank position on the grass. The last planker planking took the point for the team! What did you have to do if you fell? You had to lunge… You were either lunging or planking. You get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do :). PS Jessica LaVenter took that one (away from Team Green’s plank champion Randy Paul Larsen! This is getting interesting…)

Next up, a tap out push up battle! Everyone was instructed to line up across from their opposing team member, and push up in a “battle” format (ie one person goes, the other person goes…). The idea was to go until you couldn’t possibly do anymore. First person to tap out had to get up and jog from cone to cone while the rest of their team kept battling. Once your opponent was taken out, you then went down the line and kept your push up stride with the NEXT opponent. The winning team? Team Black again… The overall Winner? None other than Bud Hulk!

Following the push ups was a partner crunch competition! Each opponent took turns standing on the other team member’s feet while said team member did crunches for 90 seconds. The person standing on the other person’s feet kept count. When both people had gone, I had a show of hands to count out the winners. The first round, Team Black BARELY pulled it out. The next round, was a tie. I decided a 3rd, 2 minute TIE BREAKER round was needed (even though Team Black technically took the first round… it wasn’t substantial enough to please me :D). The result? A landslide victory for Team Black…

Following THAT was an 18 lb kettle V-sit relay! I lined everyone up and had them facing each other. The goal was to pass the kettlebell down the line all the way to the OTHER end of your team, only to have it passed back to the other side again. Each time it went down the line, that was one lap. We were doing 20 laps :). Who won? Team Green took it like champions!

Oh wait…

Team Green WAS going to soundly beat Team Black until Team Black turned into a Phoenix and rose up from the ashes! Don’t call it a comeback… Actually, you can. Team Black took the kettlebell relay as well… We need to get you a point Team Green!

Then came the shovel relay…

I had 10 people from each team line up on opposing sides of the field. It was as simple as this… sprint with your shovel to the other cone and hand the shovel off to your teammate. While THEY are sprinting, you are getting into “flutter kick” position to keep your body moving. This one was Team Green all the way… Team Green rocked the speed round like nobody’s business (Bobbi, you called it). Just like that, Team Green’s spirit was lifted back up towards the beautiful sunshine we were all working so hard under!

Lastly, the tug-of-war… By this time, we’d been out in the sun for an hour and a half. Some people had time constraints and had to leave, but that doesn’t mean we weren’t left with about 15 people per side ready to BATTLE! Team Green ended up eeking out the first one, then Team Black took the final two… I was going to go into more detail about this one, but I’m going to save that for the slideshow since there are so many awesome pictures of these jam I’d rather let the pictures and song do the talking ;).

In the end, even though Team Black kicked some ass and won all but one event, it wasn’t by much… It wasn’t by enough to be settled with the fact that Team Green won’t be able to beat you, which is what I LOVE. If anything, I saw a spark get set off in Team Green that I am going to take advantage of… How so?

October 8th’s core workout has been cancelled. In 13 days, both teams will be meeting again… Same time format (EVERYONE at the gym at 10:30am) and we will battle until 12:30pm. Expect some of the same exercises… and some that we have never done before :). After the demand I got to do another one, I’d be a fool not to pit you Hulk-monsters up against one another again!

Get ready… “Team Green vs. Team Black – Last Stand” coming your way October 8th…


– Hulk

PS every picture has a song tied to it 🙂

PPS Black Light Special 3.0 tomorrow night and Thursday (Black Light Zumba going down Thursday night!)

Tough Mudder Training - Team Green Beach Edition

Just got back from the beach with some of the most inspiring and awesome people I know. All Hulk! With the exception of Mike (all the way on the left) but we live together, so he’s Hulk by default ;). I WAS looking forward to seeing some Team Black represented, but that’s ok, Team Green wanted it more today ;).

My alarm went off at 6:45am and I thought “No… Seriously? This can’t be right…” and sure enough, it was right. I did the “what functions?” test. Lifted my arms… “Shoulders, chest, and back are fried. Check.” Lifted my legs… “Psoas, butt, quads, hamstrings, calves, and knees are obliterated. Check.” Squeezed my stomach… “Abs and obliques are non existent. Check.” There was not a fiber on me that didn’t SCREAM “Please sir, for the love of god, PLEASE stay home today.” I’ve run the total of a marathon this week after having not run in 7 years. Mudder training on Friday was the TOUGHEST one yet (FYI This Friday is going to be an hour and prepare for your world to be ROCKED if you’re hoppin’ in!). My own personal workouts had somehow stepped themselves up a notch and I was left this morning with the realization of “I can barely move… We’re going to do an insane beach workout?” Then… I got up. Put my shorts on. Turned some jams on, and got ready. Know how long that doubt of “How am I going to be able to do this today???” lasted? About the amount of time it took me to stand up… This is the good life baby!

Seriously, what better what to spend a Sunday morning than with people you love, doing something you love, in the best environment ever (beach baby… I’m in love…), preparing for one of the most insane things you’ve ever done in your life? Boy howdy was it insane… video to come ;).

Let me just break it down though “pre” video… We got to the beach, took off our shirts, and SPRINTED for that water. What did we do beforehand? The CHANT baby! There were 6 of us but we made that Chant sing like we had a Hulk army RARIN’ to scare that beach! With no “toe test” we hit that water HARD. Head first. I’ve gotta say… I’ve never felt adrenaline surge up so instantaneously and intensely before. It was needed. Why? Because we had to run back to the beach to do Push rolls! Push up, barrel roll left, push up, barrel roll right, push up, barrel roll left… You get the idea. 2 minutes of that followed IMMEDIATELY by about a mile and a half beach coast run. Were we done? No way! WE ARE HULK!

The double dipped fun ride cream dream was what was next… Sand Dune? Yup. Able bodies? Got ’em. Steep sandy incline that looks about 20 yards long but FEELS like 2 miles? That was there too… DUNE SPRINTS!! It was like Satan crafted this exercise for his subjects who led ESPECIALLY bad lives. I thought we were good people until today… 1 sprint was challenging, but fun. Good work! It only took one more sprint to slap us right upside the head and say “remember oxygen? Good, because that’s all it’s going to be… a memory.” We did 5. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but we did them BACK to BACK with minimal rest in between. I DARE you to say to ANY of those Hulksters there this morning that “that wasn’t THAT bad.” You’ll get a Bobbi Deanne Rivera backhand to the dome-piece talkin’ that mess! Thank God for Cory Lacey… I led the charge HAPPILY the 1st 4, but the 5th one… Oh boy. Now, for those of you who have worked out with me, I pride myself on my leadership role and will ALWAYS grab your hand if you need a help up and a push. I recognize and embrace the shape I am in. Rarely do I need to be led. That 5th sprint… Cory took off like a bat out of hell (fitting for the earlier analogy). In that moment, I needed to be led. Thank you Cory, for filling that role when most people assume I’m infallible. Even lions need to be shown how to roar on occasions where maybe the vocal chords are a little frazzled.

We polished this blast of a workout with some sand agility work, light cool downs, and pushups until our chests and shoulders wanted to pop. Oh yeah, all the while repeatedly hopping in that scrumptious beach water.

Life is beautiful.

– Hulk

PS A couple videos to wet your Hulk appetite. Find out about the Shovel AND what goes on in the House of Hulk!

A special message to everybody about to take part in this upcoming “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII”

– Hulk

The Family

Well team, we did it…

What is “it” you ask? “It” is proving to yourself you can stick with the gym before giving up LONGER than 2 weeks. “It” refers to completing a challenge that, on the outside, some deem “too intense for me” yet when you hear that you swell your chest with pride. “It” refers to love you’ve found not only for those who started out complete strangers, but more importantly yourself. What you 25 have done (Cheryl, I’m talking to you) is not only unrivaled, but unprecedented. Nobody is doing what you guys are doing around here. NOBODY. Want proof?

Here’s your proof (Click Here).

Want more proof? Well, you’re gonna have to wait because if I posted the proof I WANTED to show you all it would give away who won the categories of composition lost and inches lost. That wouldn’t be fair now would it 🙂

I will say this though… As a team you all have lost 192.4 inches and 124 lbs. I repeat:

Inches Lost: 192.4

Pounds Lost: 124

I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the most dedicated team I have ever had (and lord knows I’ve had some dedicated teams!) and my heart couldn’t beat harder or faster for each and every one of you 25 individuals who finished this challenge out with your heads held high and your legs wobbly (yet still a smile).

Tomorrow, we party like we just endured 10 weeks of rigorous hell. I’m hesitant using the word “hell” however, seeing as how I’ve seen and experienced some of those most amazing things I have ever witnessed or been a part of in my short time here on Earth. The best part? It’s not done yet… We have MANY more surprises planned for tomorrow. If you think you know everything that’s going down tomorrow, you don’t. Tye and Bobbi, and I’m talking to you guys as well. Be prepared to let loose and shed some tears with some loved ones (VERY high probability) because you all earned it.

With all that, remember Monday is a new week. Don’t get sucked up into the fun that tomorrow is going to be. Enjoy the moment and leave it at that… Don’t let the “good times” steam roll into “crap, I lost it…” I’ve seen it happen far too many times for it to go unmentioned. Along with being the most dedicated team I’ve ever worked with, I think y’all are also the group that runs the LEAST risk of falling off. Remember, you are Hulk. You are part of something others WISH they could do. You are now a representative of Hulk via a positive outlook and healthy lifestyle!

I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow. If you get a moment, please click on “The Family” photo and listen to “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. For the moment, no truer words have been spoken.

– Hulk

PS just NOW got done with all the awards and certificates, and now I’m about to finish the slide show. I love when a plan comes together!!

Lightest wall sit I've EVER done! 😉

Click HERE for Train the Trainer Pictures! Videos coming shortly! Or longly… I haven’t decided yet…

Last night was FUN. No way around it, had a BLAST. Thank you to everyone who showed up (including my lovely girlfriend Taryn!) and I ESPECIALLY thank you for not making me do the 4 horsemen! I tried, you all know I tried! You all, tonight however, are not going to be so lucky…

I just want to say that tonight is going to be a very intense night. Physically and emotionally. It is a tough DAY for me in that sense because I NEVER want a challenge to end… Fortunately though, it allows us to make way for Hulk vs Hulk starting August 13th!

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all to bring your A game tonight, because you’re gonna need it… Let’s make this last bootcamp one to remember, shall we?!

Cheryl Taylor, we miss the hell out of you.

Everyone, you’re doing Zumba after. Jessica support! AhhhOOOOO!!!!!

– Hulk

PS song is pretty self-explanatory given the weight of the situation… 😉

I'm ready to HURT!

Train the trainer is tonight baby birds and I couldn’t be more excited!!! Wanna know the most exciting part? The fact that tonight’s train the trainer is right before I get MY hands on YOU GUYS for one last time. If THAT’S not exciting, then I don’t know what is!

Seriously, you all better BRING IT tonight. I’m gonna keep this short since I’ll be updating with pictures and events of tonight’s butt kicking. When the smoke clears though I PROMISE I’ll still be standing! AhhhOOOOO!!!!

– Hulk

PS 3 days left…

When they ask you tell 'em

Outdoor Bootcamp Day! (Click Here)

Video: Tye Breaks 200 lbs (Click Here)

Video: Disney Chant! (Click Here)

Team Hulk Facebook Fan Page (Click Here)


Subscribe to my blog and become a fan on Facebook and I’ll be your friend forever! AhhhOOOOOOOOOOO! Matt, thanks for the song of the day ;). Back to work on the slideshow!

– Hulk

3 weeks left Hulksters...

We’ve got 3 weeks left after today Hulkamaniacs… 21 days… We are on the final homestretch and all y’all are STILL killing it!! What do you do when you see the finish line? You don’t leisurely make your way across the ticker tape… You sprint for that bastard like it’s got the antidote to some rattler venom you’ve got coursing through your veins and you’ve got about 30 more seconds to live. Well, with 3 weeks left, start sprinting!!! Just be sure to bring your shovel with you…

Maggie Shuck, your energy was off the CHARTS today at bootcamp! For reals, you were in beast mode so hard “The Avengers” are thinking about recruiting you! Good god woman, work it like you’re unionized!

Chenoa Busic (Cheen-Wah as I like to say), you are just absolutely amazing. With 3 weeks left and the numbers you’re putting up, you are a MAJOR darkhorse coming up strong! I need to publicly recognize how much butt you’re kicking Chenoa. You lost 4 and a half lbs this week! In week SEVEN!!! That’s almost unheard of girl! No need to psych yourself out, start psyching yourself UP, because you MORE than deserve it! Also, thank you so much for the kind words today. They always, ALWAYS mean the world to me and you are one of the reasons I am the luckiest fella in the whole, wide world. Why? Because I get to work with people like you on a daily basis!

Everybody, Bud’s back is killing him. It’s getting better, and he wanted to be there today more than anything, but gotta rest those injuries!

Art had a work gig and Kathi is tending to her injured daughter, but they wish everybody the greatest as well!

This Thursday… We have a theme workout… I will make the announcement tomorrow since the details are still being ironed out… but it’s gonna be a fun one ;).

This Saturday, I also plan on having an outdoor bootcamp at the park!

Everyone, enjoy the rest of your Saturday… I’ve got a slideshow to work on 😉

– Hulk

PS the song of the day is top 3 ALL TIME favorite workout songs.