Archive for the ‘Team Apollo’ Category

Yeah, we're pretty badass.

Team song; Introduced. Chant; instructed and implemented. Sound offs; Loud. Energy; infectious, kinetic, and monstrously growing. What do we have left?

2 months of Hulk smashing the hell out of this challenge, that’s what.

I wanted to give y’all just a glimpse of what Hulksters got to experience of the course of getting their team song introduced to them. Here is a “video” of Apollo gathering around and gearing up for the song “The Believer” by Common. It’s less of a video and more like an audio excerpt. I keep it dark so that emotions can be expressed comfortably without fear of embarrassment or judgement and the song and message can be fully absorbed. Lights off means focus on. After listening, I urge you to go down to the post below this one and check out the song by pressing “play” on the video, while subsequently reading the lyrics.

Powerful stuff if you let it be :).

One final note… TRINITY TRAGEDIES TONIGHT!!!!!!!

– Hulk

We Believe

Tonight, Apollo’s team song was shown to be “The Believer” by Common.

If you read my write up on Hephaestus’ team song, then you’ll see that I have a process when I search for the team song. Well, I had done m diligent research on Apollo and had an idea of the style of song I was looking for. I also wanted to pick a song that would do Apollo justice. Apollo; The God of light, truth, music, and healing. Apollo; The strongest Titan Mt. Olympus had ever seen amongst the Titans. To be made up of so much good and be MIGHTY… Isn’t that what Hulk is all about?

Apollo is almost ENTIRELY comprised of Hulksters who have been fighting the good fight with me for YEARS. The handful of newer people (1st or second challenge) are so game set and ready that I knew I needed something a little different for this team. Apollo, before the challenge, I knew was going to have a personality all its own, and boy was I right…

When I was browsing through upcoming albums, my eyes shot immediately to Common’s name. I’m a huge fan of Common, and given that little tidbit I’m sure you can imagine my excitement when I had noticed the album was title “The Dream, The Believer.”  I think I had decided that I was going to find Apollo’s team song on here at this very moment. Before I had listened to a single song. Hell, before I had even looked at the track listing!

Once I had the album, my eyes AGAIN instantly darted to “The Believer.” How could I listen to another song? Why am I not listening to it already?

I got 4 lines in and I knew I had found Apollo’s song. Apollo; Light and truth. The Believer.

This song, as important as the verses are (VERY open to interpretation!) and as impacting as the chorus is. I chose this song for the FEELING it gives you. Go back to my post about Poseidon’s song… Read up on the vagus nerve. That very nerve gets struck when I listen to this song the same way it does when I listen to “Shake It Out.” This song represents everything I feel about Hulk to me.

I believe in the light that shines and will never die. I believe the fire burns, we’ll stay alive. They will talk about us, like they talked about the kings before us.

They will talk about us.


– Hulk

[Hook : John Legend]
I believe in the light that shines and will never die
Oh I believe the fire burns, we stay alive
They will talk about us
Like they talked about the kings before us
They will talk about us

[1st Verse : Common]
These are the words of a believer, achiever, leader of the globe
Feeding souls of those in need
I bleed the blood of the struggle
Walking over troubled puddles
Hustles in my chest, no hustle no progress
Extremities of life and it’s process
Birth of a son, death of another
With love I can rest both mothers
And told ‘em, who’s in control is the one that’s above us
I walk where money talks and love stutters
Body language of a nation going through changes
The young become dangerous, pain gets spent into anger
Anger gets sent through the chamber
It’s tough when your own look like strangers
We are the sons of gangsters and stone rangers
If he could how would Ernie Barnes paint us
Look at the picture, hard not to blame us
But time forgives and the Chi where the young die often
Do they end up in a coffin because we haven’t taught them?
Is it what we talking we really ain’t walking
Dudes, hustlers pay, how much did it cost ‘em?
Find myself on the same corner that we lost ‘em
Real talking, in they ear like a walkman
Thoughts spin around the corner to the World
When I see them, I see my baby girl

[Hook : John Legend]
I believe in the light that shines and will never die
Oh I believe the fire burns, we stay alive
They will talk about us
Like they talked about the kings before us
They will talk about us

[2nd Verse : Common]
The lord lives among us
The young uns hunger become a means to get it
By any means necessary, under pressure
Children feeling lesser, with the steel up on the dresser
Killin’ will aggressors, destiny’s children
Survivors, soldiers, in front of buildings they eyes look older
Hard to see blessings in the violent culture
Face against weapons, sirens, holsters
That ain’t the way that Langston Hughes wrote us
Soul controllers on the shoulders of Moses and Noah
We go from being oppressors to Oprah
Cultivated to overcome ever since we came overseas
Today and the way that you can see we determined
Solar keeps burning, shawty’s know to keep learning
Lessons in our life, but life stripes that we earning
Took raps advice that Christ is returning
Like a thief in the night, I write the beacons of light
For those of us in dark alleys and parched valleys
Street kids spark rallies of the conscience conquerors of a contest
That seems beyond us, even through the unseen, I know that God watches
From one King’s dream he was able to Barack us
The prophets, nothing can stop us

[Hook : John Legend]
I believe in the light that shines and will never die
Oh I believe the fire burns, we stay alive
They will talk about us
Like they talked about the kings before us
They will talk about us

I know I know I know our dreams won’t turn to dust
They will talk about us
I know I know I know our dreams won’t turn to dust
They will talk about us
I know I know I know our dreams won’t turn to dust
They will talk about us

Oh boy, what do I say… 

It’s hard to think of the perfect words to describe how I feel about what’s happening. That’s a pretty fantastic feat seeing as how I pride myself on being somewhat linguistically clever. Clever has nothing to do though with my lack of ability to find a description for the magic that all you possess, yet only some of you know that and many of you don’t. I don’t mean that negatively, more so along that lines that sometimes the “overwhelming” factor needs to die down a bit before the full impact hits you. I have gotten message after message after glorious message of “I get it, I get what this is about now” and “I’m not scared and excited and nervous anymore, I’m just excited!” and “I can’t wait till the next workout! If I can walk to it…” right on down to “I love my team and I don’t even know half their names yet…”

Which brings me to a quick point… I don’t introduce you all with a cutesy name game on purpose. Because we’re adults. This isn’t a kindergarten circle :). I fully expect, as part of getting out of your comfort zone, to FIND OUT the names of your teammates! Ever wonder why I use everyone’s name so often? It’s a chance to look up and see who I’m talking about… To get familiar with hearing that name so often that you want to find out who they are. For every person that’s new to you, you’re new to them, so put bashfulness aside and embrace a hulkster!

So what I was saying before telling you you’re an adult was that I LOVE when the first workout is over and done with. It’s like the first time you’re learning to ride a bike, take the training wheels off, get your push off, and find out that you CAN steer the bike and stay upright! It’s like a weight is lifted off of your shoulders and what’s left is beautiful hope and a desire to rid yourself of that demonic little voice that is so good at convincing you that you’re going to fail anyway so why try? By now, I hope you can see that trying is what we do. Battling till you stand atop your insecurities and self proclaimed “inabilities” is what courses through the veins of a hulkster.

Something NO ONE can take from you is your choice to give up.  In that moment of angst, fatigue, and ache where you are firmly convinced that if there were a gun to your head you TRULY could NOT go on, it’s up to you whether you believe that or not. Don’t get me wrong, “going on” isn’t referencing perfection… Quite the contrary! “Going on” means refusing to give less than everything you’ve got. “Going on” pertains to that instance when you KNOW that if you go for one more push up, you’re going to collapse… yet you go for it anyway. At this point, you have 2 scenarios. You either really DO collapse, or you squeeze out another. If you manage one more push up when you thought it impossible… Well then there you go, you’re defying the odds and proving your self doubt completely wrong and the tangibility of the human spirit completely right. You might be saying “Well then you’re put right back into the same scenario, which means eventually, you collapse!” Yup. Bingo. What do you do when you collapse? You take that deep breathe, remember what you’re there for, take a quick glance at that shovel, and go for it again. And again. And again. Until the end comes. The end of the exercise always comes. The end is inevitable, you’re guaranteed failure is not. 

What the short story turned long really is… is that I’m proud of you. Most importantly, YOU should be proud of you. Already you have tackled something that has caused some of you some restless nights and so many butterflies you could open your own butterfly conservatory. You did it. Remind yourself of that. It gets not only better, but easier from here. It gets more rewarding than this, I mean it! That’s really saying something, because I know several of you who already know you have your hands on something magical here.

It’s up to you to let it go…

As for you Veteran Hulkamaniacs who have been traveling this road with me for a long time now? Don’t worry, I’ve got some major tricks up my sleeve this challenge ;). No Hulk left behind! This is going to be new for EVERYONE! 

I’ll leave you with a little tidbit of what you all have done so far. For those of you doing Hulk, it’s an opportunity to relive something you’re going to want to remember. It’s the little things, after all… For those of you who AREN’T doing Hulk, I want you to think of this as a window into room you can only see 1/100th of it’s actual space, capacity, and draw. These videos were taken during Poseidon’s first workout. I will be posting videos periodically of the different teams so everyone can get a glimpse in on what the House of Hulk really does :).

In this video I took the opportunity to remind Adam (a packer fan) that my 49ers are still securely in the superbowl runnings:

Then Tammey said something, and I decided to say hello:

Then Denise (owner of Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave where all the magic happens) decided that smack dab in the middle of gearing up Poseidon for their first chant was the best time to take an important phone call into the back office. Luckily the other gym owner, her husband John, got it all on video:

Finally, I’m able to address (only an excerpt) what the chant is REALLY all about before we get to the real thing:

The finished product:


I want to thank everyone who showed up yesterday for your time and energy. Saturday shook the soda bottle… Tuesday uncaps it! If you weren’t at the orientation, I want you to take a good long look at this chant, study it, and be ready to open every boot camp with it. AhhhOOOOO!


And in honor of the guy in the car that got a kick out of us…


– Hulk

** Very important **

I need you all to carpool as much as possible for the orientation on Saturday, January 14th at 12pm. There are going to be a LOT of you and we have a VERY small parking lot at the gym. However you can condense the level of cars in the parking lot, please help me out by doing so :).

This will be rain or shine. If the weather is awful, it matters absolutely zero to me. I will have canopies set up, but if it’s raining up a storm… better bring your poncho! If the weather is bad, consider it your first foray into being a Hulkster. It won’t always be pretty, but we’re gonna get it done…

I want EVERYONE to be here. Friends, family, co-workers… The more the Hulkier. I’m serious. Past Hulksters, current Hulksters, future Hulksters… If you have ever wanted to see what it’s all about, then January 14th at 12pm is the day for you. I promise, this is the beginning of something HUGE.


– Hulk 

PS – This is what I want all you new Hulksters to be prepared for. All you veterans, I want y’all back to THIS form!

PPS - A good reminder of how I view the scale.

Trinity Crest

I just wanted to remind everyone that we have measurements this Saturday! Please arrive ABSOLUTELY NO LATER THAN a half hour after your designated start point. I encourage everyone to get to the gym ON TIME, but if you come past a half hour after your team’s designated start point, I may not be able to get to you (one of me, lots of you…):

  • Team Poseidon: 10am – 11am

  • Team Hephaestus: 11am – 12pm

  • Team Apollo: 12pm-1pm

I would like everyone to wear either tank tops or form fitting clothing. The more you surface skin area shown for the picture, the better results you get in the AFTER picture. I get some people showing up in baggy shirts and they refuse to take the shirt off… Makes it VERY hard to show progress. Since we’re on the topic of the picture…

I want to let everyone know that ONLY myself and/or whoever the picture taker may be (either me or someone hand-chosen by me who I trust and thus, by default, is trustworthy in this process) will be the ones to see these pictures. That is it. They will not go on Facebook, and they will not be shown to ANYONE else past the point of when the picture itself is taken. With that said… I encourage you to recognize that you need to know where you’ve started to know where you’re going. If you don’t want to see the start point because you’re not exactly proud of it, then how is the END point (when you’re proud beyond your wildest dreams) going to be affect? If I had a dime for every time I heard “I wish I would have taken my shirt off…” or “I see what you were talking about in the beginning…” well then I’d have enough to buy lunch.

All I’m saying is that you’re entering a challenge that the whole point is to push yourself out of your comfort zone, and it starts with the little things. The little victories. The small moments where a whisper of “I can…” drowns out the deafening roar of “YOU CAN’T!” You are going to encounter MANY of these moments along the way. Embrace them, no matter how big or small. Every moment you can look back on and say “my defeatist side didn’t win that time, why should it now?” is just more ammo for your soul’s assault rifle.

Lastly, take note of the outfit you wear for measurements. You want to wear the same outfit at the end of the challenge as you do at the beginning so the before/after photos are a dead lively match.

Measurement day is going to be fast paced on my end. I will have instructions for what to do, what papers to fill out, where to go for pictures, and everything you need to have done. Once all the papers you need to fill out have been filled out, your measurements and picture have been taken, you are good to go!

For now, I’ll leave you a perfect “Warriors” rendition of what to expect come January 14th. The first day of the rest of Hulk’s lives. Be on the lookout for a post and video dedicated strictly to orientation day. Get ready to experience firsthand the movement you are part of.


– Hulk

We've arrived...

Hulk: Trinity Schedule


January 7th: Measurements!

  • Team Poseidon: 10am – 11am
  • Team Hephaestus: 11am – 12pm
  • Team Apollo: 12pm-1pm

January 10th (Tuesday/6:30pm) – Team Hephaestus Fit Test
January 11th (Wednesday/6:30pm) – Team Poseidon Fit Test
January 12th (Thursday/6pm) – Team Apollo Fit Test

January 14th: Hulk: Trinity orientation! EVERYONE shows up at 12pm. You are NOT going to miss the epic visual and fired up energy as you learn EXACTLY what you’re in for presented in true “Hulk” fashion!

Weigh-ins will be every Friday evening for Team Hephaestus and every Saturday for Team Apollo and Team Poseidon.

January 17th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 1 – Legs (Alley day – Nothing but a Hulk workout!)
January 18th (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 1 – Legs (Alley day – Nothing but a Hulk workout!)
January 19th (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 1 – Legs (Alley day – Nothing but a Hulk workout!)”
January 20th (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 2 – Upper body & 1st weigh-in (Introduction to “The Shovel”)
January 21st (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 2 – Upper body & 1st weigh-in (Introduction to “The Shovel”)
January 21st (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 2 – Upper body & 1st weigh-in (Introduction to “The Shovel”)
January 24th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 3 – Core (Introduction to your team song!)
January 25th (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 3 – Core (Introduction to your team song!)
January 26th (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 3 – Core (Introduction to your team song!)
January 27th (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 4 – Legs: The Sequel (Introduction to a new exercise… Trinity Tragedies!)
January 28th (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 4 – Legs: The Sequel (Introduction to a new exercise… Trinity Tragedies!)
January 28th (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 4 – Legs: The Sequel (Introduction to a new exercise… Trinity Tragedies!)
January 31st (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 5 – Upper body (Start of intense circuit work!)
February 1st (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 5 – Upper body (Start of intense circuit work!)
February 2nd (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 5 – Upper body (Start of intense circuit work!)
February 3rd (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 6 – Core meltdown (Special “Failure” exercise)
February 4th (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 6 – Core meltdown (Special “Failure” exercise)
February 4th (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 6 – Core meltdown (Special “Failure” exercise)
February 7th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 7 – Legs!
February 8th (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 7 – Legs!
February 9th (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 7 – Legs!
February 10th (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 8 – Total Body Blitz!
February 11th (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 8 – Total Body Blitz!
February 11th (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 8 – Total Body Blitz!
February 14th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 9 – HULKENTINES WORKOUT!! Wear as MUCH GREEN as you POSSIBLY CAN! We’re going to see enough red and pink all day, let’s show a little Hulk Heart colors! Oh, and we will be revisiting CORE!
February 15th (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 9 – HULKENTINES WORKOUT!! Wear as MUCH GREEN as you POSSIBLY CAN! Since Team Hephaestus got to get amped up with a little Hulk spirit, now it’s your turn! Oh, and we will be revisiting CORE!
February 16th (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 9 – HULKENTINES WORKOUT!! Wear as MUCH GREEN as you POSSIBLY CAN! Since Team Hephaestus got to get amped up with a little Hulk spirit, now it’s your turn! Oh, and we will be revisiting CORE!
February 17th (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 10 – MEASUREMENTS! Be sure to wear the same clothes you wore on the first measurement day. Be prepared to have your weight checked, circumference measurements taken, and body fat percentage tested. Once you are done, you are free to go!
February 18th (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 10 – MEASUREMENTS! Be sure to wear the same clothes you wore on the first measurement day. Be prepared to have your weight checked, circumference measurements taken, and body fat percentage tested. Once you are done, you are free to go!
February 18th (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 10 – MEASUREMENTS! Be sure to wear the same clothes you wore on the first measurement day. Be prepared to have your weight checked, circumference measurements taken, and body fat percentage tested. Once you are done, you are free to go!
February 21th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 11 – Blacklight Special 5.0! Upper Body Push
February 22nd (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 11 – Blacklight Special 5.0! Upper Body Push
February 23rd (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 11 – Blacklight Special 5.0! Upper Body Push
February 24th (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 12 – Legs!
February 25th (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 12 – Legs!
February 25th (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 12 – Legs!

February 26th (Sunday) – TOUGH MUDDER

February 28th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 13 – Core!
February 29th (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 13 – LEAP YEAR WORKOUT! Come decked out in your favorite “Team Hulk” shirt from past challenges or in your team shirt if this is your FIRST challenge. Let’s celebrate the years leading up to the day that shouldn’t be J. Let’s get eclectic! I’m looking for SPIRIT DAMNIT. Core!
March 1st (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 13 – Core!
March 2nd (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 14 – Total Body Revisited!
March 3rd (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 14 – Total Body Revisited!
March 3rd (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 14 – Total Body Revisited!
March 6th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 15 – 80’s Night! Come donned out with your jerry curls and spandex; because we’re gonna get physical. Legs!
March 7th (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 15 – 80’s Night! Come donned out with your jerry curls and spandex; because we’re gonna get physical. Legs!
March 8th (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 15 – 80’s Night! Come donned out with your jerry curls and spandex; because we’re gonna get physical. Legs!
March 9th (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 16 – Upper Body!
March 10th (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 16 – Upper Body!
March 10th (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 16 – Upper Body!
March 13th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 17 – MARCH MADNESS! Basketball theme! Get creative (aka “Semipro” anyone?)! BODY WEIGHT DESTRUCTION. NOT A SINGLE DUMBBELL USED. Balance and peace of mind will be the key to this workout!
March 14th (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Day 17 – MARCH MADNESS! Basketball theme! Get creative (aka “Semipro” anyone?)! BODY WEIGHT DESTRUCTION. NOT A SINGLE DUMBBELL USED. Balance and peace of mind will be the key to this workout!
March 15th (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Day 17 – MARCH MADNESS! Basketball theme! Get creative (aka “Semipro” anyone?)! BODY WEIGHT DESTRUCTION. NOT A SINGLE DUMBBELL USED. Balance and peace of mind will be the key to this workout!
March 16th (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Day 18 – Core Destruction! Also, the last regularly scheduled workout!
March 17th (Saturday) 10am: Poseidon Day 18 – Core Destruction! Also, the last regularly scheduled workout!
March 17th (Saturday) 11:30am: Apollo Day 18 – Core Destruction! Also, the last regularly scheduled workout!

March 18th (Sunday) 12pm – LAST CHANCE WORKOUT! Measurements and fit tests are the following week, so be prepared to get one final workout in as TEAM HULK on Sunday. It will be a little over an hour and a half long, rain or shine. Dress according to the weather and be prepared to be outdoors. We are going to rock the house in ALL of Hulk ENTIRETY! The focus will be working together a team to achieve the same common denominator: Get one final sweat blast and ass kicking in the books before fit tests and measurements! I understand not everyone will be able to make this day. This day is an extra on my own time. What I’m saying is that if you can’t come, I’m sorry, but I won’t listen to complaining.

March 19th (Monday): 6:30pm – Train the trainer! Be prepared to hand me a beat down. Trust me, I deserve it.
March 20th (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus measurement day! I am putting your measurements FIRST so you have another day of rest before you do your fit test seeing as how everyone else gets 2 days of rest in between the last chance workout and you would only have one day of rest if I put your fit test on this day.
March 21st (Wednesday) 6:30pm: Poseidon Fit Test Day!
March 22nd (Thursday) 6pm: Apollo Fit Test Day!
March 23rd (Friday) 6:30pm: Hephaestus Fit Test Day!
March 24th (Saturday) 10am: – Poseidon Measurements!
March 24th (Saturday) 11:30am – Apollo Measurements!

There are a few names not on these lists because I am unsure of the day structure that works for that individual. If your name is not on here, e-mail me at “” and let’s get that corrected!

Without further adieu…

Team Hephaestus (Every Tuesday at 6:30pm and every Friday at 6:30pm):

The Forge and Hammer - God of War and Fire, but firm believer in peace. Giver of tools.

  1. Tony Giraldi
  2. Bud Hull
  3. Cliff Crocker
  4. Liz Rait
  5. Hilary Buckley
  6. Kaylyn Garrison
  7. Karen Donahue
  8. Kevin John
  9. Kim Yoxall
  10. Kristie Clay
  11. Kristina Tovani
  12. Lori Demarco
  13. Lorna Kennedy Klein
  14. Megan Gill
  15. Nicole Eaton
  16. Sam Enos
  17. Taylor Hull
  18. Terri Baker
  19. T-Bones Nicolas
  20. Shaleena Gibson
  21. Cory Lacey
  22. Samantha French
  23. Chenoa Busic
  24. Dezi Reeves
  25. Laree Barrow
  26. Austin Patrick Finch
  27. Danielle Dizebba
  28. Melissa Collins

Team Apollo (Every Thursday at 6pm and every Saturday at 11:30am):

The Laurel Wreath. God of Music and Healing. Purveyor of light and truth. One of the mightiest Titans Mt. Olympus has ever fathered.

  1. Alisa Tocchini
  2. Amy Tocchini
  3. Jason Esquibel
  4. Kristie Lamb
  5. Jodi Curry
  6. Art Villareal
  7. Carlo Piscatello
  8. Chris Keys
  9. Sara Keys
  10. Gina Sarpy
  11. Karin Bowhall
  12. Kathi Tyler
  13. Maggie Shuck
  14. Sander Seymour
  15. Shannon Mills
  16. Ruben Martinez
  17. Nikhil Ayer
  18. Shreya Ayer
  19. Alyx J. Livingston
  20. Jisaela Tenney

Team Poseidon (Every Wednesday at 6:30pm and every Saturday at 10am):

The Trident. God of the sea and creator of horses. Second most powerful next to Zeus himself. Known as "The Earth Shaker" due to Earthquakes being direct results of his anger.

  1. Adam Gray
  2. Alan Brogdon
  3. Bobbi Rivera
  4. Caitlyn Ioli
  5. Cara Jones
  6. Cheryl Taylor
  7. David Moody
  8. Kelly Moody
  9. Jamie Bywater
  10. Jessica LaVenter
  11. Kelly Dawson
  12. Rachel Brogdon
  13. Rick Dawson
  14. Tammey Clark
  15. Devin Booth
  16. Tami Larsen
  17. Randy Larsen
  18. Tanisha Larsen
  19. Tracie Caven-Larcom
  20. Shawn Fitzgerald
  21. Kima Lovold
  22. Paul Marcheschi
  23. Krista Kemp

The FULL OFFICIAL schedule of the ENTIRE challenge will be posted next week. Could be Monday, could be Friday. For now, start getting so amped up you cramp up because this challenge is going to keep the Mayan prediction of the end of the world in 2012 at bay… We’re going to kick start the world with one big, giant, fibrillated SMASH.

Sound off…

– Hulk

The Trinity:

Team Apollo, Team Hephaestus, & Team Poseidon

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Measurement date: January 7th (Saturday – Times to be announced. EVERYONE is getting measured)

ALL Team Hulk Orientation date: January 14th at 11am. EVERYONE shows up and learns what they are in for. Almost 100 Hulksters in one place… Get pumped or get dumped!

Beginning Fit Test Dates: January 12th and 13th (In the evening. Official times to be announced soon)

1st day of Hulk – Trinity: January 17th.

Mark your calendars. The movement has started… You in?

– Hulk