Archive for the ‘Team Heart’ Category

Heart Attack

Team Heart's Second Workout

What does it mean to be a part of Hulk? By now, you’ve all come to find out that it’s more than “just a boot camp.” The reason I bring this up now is because halfway into week 3 (I told you time was going to fly!), I want people to understand what we’re doing here. I like to think that our actions are our mission statement. For those that are a little more lingual, let me feed your literary taste-buds:

Hulk Mission Statement

Hulk is a process starting from within, not from without. The goal is self improvement, starting with your strongest muscles; Your heart and soul. Hulk is here to overcome fears that manifest physically and translate into the thought “this is too hard for me.” Once those fears are battled (not conquered… life will forever be one big “hulk workout”), it’s because you’ve got the confidence to battle them. You get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do. Getting the confidence to hulk smash your fears and insecurities with a balled up fist and a primal scream is the hardest work there is. As Hulksters, we do it. We battle. It may not always look pretty, and it will not always be comfortable, but it will be a journey that leaves you standing taller. Prouder. Full of the realization that you are the king of your own castle.  As Hulksters, we refuse to take “I can’t” or “I’ll always be this person…” because settling for anything less than supreme respect from yourself is unacceptable. As Hulksters, we live by what I’ve dubbed “The Hulken Rule.” Treat others BETTER than you wish to be treated. As Hulksters, we open our arms to vulnerabilities and insecurities because we know the struggle. As Hulksters, we will NEVER turn away those asking for help, even when they don’t ask for it. As Hulksters, we stand atop a mountain of downtrodden emotions and lack of self worth with our hands stretched towards the sunlight screaming “Join us! The view from the top is beautiful!” As Hulksters, we are worth it. We are Hulk.

I say we strive for better, not perfect, for a reason. Perfect is a default for striving to be better. Perfection is also an illusion. If you are constantly trying to be perfect, you’ll never be able to truly enjoy life’s imperfections that make life so wonderful in the first place.

Remember… You are only as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside. Until you learn to love yourself, you will always see ugly in the mirror.

– Hulk

PS Team Heart I encourage you again to listen and absorb this song. Team Soul, it has been made very evident that you all need the same musical therapy tonight. Consider tonight’s workout rewritten.

Hulk Hulk Hulk!

Holiday Hulk Time!

Well Holiday Hulksters, here we are! The complete schedule for Holiday Hulk is here and in your face… BLAM!

First and foremost, I want Team Heart to know that you will be weighing in EVERY Friday evening. Team Soul, you will be weighing in every Thursday evening. I will be posting a video this week about why I’m embracing the opportunity of doing “night weigh-ins” as a chance to teach a little something about the scale. Stay tuned to see what I mean!

Read this VERY CAREFULLY. Everything you need to know is listed here!

Without further adieu…

11/8 (Soul) – Upper body explosion/ Introduction to “The Shovel”
11/9 (Heart) – Upper body explosion/ Introduction to “The Shovel”
11/10 (Soul) – Lower Body (Be prepared for a special “fear” exercise!)
11/11 (Heart) – Lower Body (Be prepared for a special “fear” exercise!)
11/15 (Soul) – More Core!
11/16 (Heart) – More Core!
11/17 (Soul) – Upper Body Bonanza!
11/18 (Heart) – Upper Body Bonanza!
11/22 (Soul) – FOOTBALL THEME! Dress in your favorite football apparel and get ready to rock a fit test workout! Get ready to give thanks Hulk style with a special exercise I have planned 😉
11/23 (Heart) – FOOTBALL THEME! Dress in your favorite football apparel and get ready to rock a fit test workout! Get ready to give thanks Hulk style with a special exercise I have planned 😉
11/24 – HAPPY THANKSGIVING! No workout (makeup workout on Monday)
11/25 (Heart) – Lower Body Blitz
11/28 (Soul) – Special “Monday Make-up for Thanksgiving” workout. Lower Body Blitz
11/29 (Soul) – More Core!
11/30 (Heart) – More Core!
12/1 (Soul) – Black light Special IV (Upper body madness!)
12/2 (Heart) – Black Light Special IV (Upper body madness!)
12/6 (Soul) – Total Body Blast
12/7 (Heart) – Total Body Blast
12/8 (Soul) – Legs of Reckoning
12/9 (Heart) – Legs of Reckoning
12/13 (Soul) – Total Body Blast: Revisited
12/14 (Heart) – Total Body Blast: Revisited
12/15 (Soul) – Country Core! Come decked out in your best country western gear, as we rock a country style holiday season workout unlike anything ever done before 🙂
12/16 (Heart) – Country Core! Come decked out in your best country western gear, as we rock a country style holiday season workout unlike anything ever done before 🙂
12/19 (COX) – Train the Trainer! Starts at 6pm (Monday). Get ready to hand my ass to me 🙂
12/20 (Soul) – Upper Body Workout
12/21 (Heart) – Upper Body Workout
12/22 (Soul) – Christmahanakwanzika themed workout! Come donned in your best holiday decor! Legs (LUNGES!)
12/23 (Heart) – Christmahanakwanzika themed workout! Come donned in your best holiday decor! Legs (Lunges!)
12/27 (Soul) – Fit Test! Starts at 6:30pm (motivation to be “better” over the Christmas weekend! This fit test is for EVERYONE)
12/28 (Heart) – Fit Test! Starts at 6:30pm (motivation to be “better” over the Christmas weekend! This fit test is for EVERYONE!)
12/29 (Soul) – Final Measurements! Come in at 6pm to get your final measurements! VERY IMPORTANT!
12/30 (Heart) – Final Measurements! Come in at 6:30pm to get your final measurements! VERY IMPORTANT!

I want to point out there is no “halfway measurement” point due to the fact that this challenge is 8 weeks, not 10. Again, read the schedule carefully and refer back to here if you have any questions. If there is something I have not addressed, let me know and I will address it!

I look forward to seeing you all!

– Hulk

Comin' atcha...

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So, I gotta say… I’m excited. I’m excited like this is the first challenge I’ve ever done. I’m excited like a 5th grader who just got the powder blue schwinn he’s been aching so badly for for Christmas, only instead of some sweet new wheels I’ve got some awesome new people who are going to be entering into my life just as much as I’m entering their’s. I’m not S***ting around here people, I’m so amped up I cramped up!

I’m so stoked I could float!

I’m so jacked up I’m cracked up!

Get pumped or get dumped!

You get it… The point is, I’m ready if you are. I know you all signed a commitment contract. You know this as well. I also know you’ve heard about the magic that Hulk brings to the table, but it’s not an individual effort made by me, it’s a TEAM effort. It’s a “I’m gonna get out of my comfort zone because my comfort zone no longer works for me” kind of effort. It’s a “be who you WANT to be, not who you’re comfortable being” kind of effort. You’ll see…

I lose my voice every single workout. I have permanently scarred my vocal chords from Hulk. The kicker is it makes me want to scream louder, harder, more passionately… Because I care. This is my baby. This is my everything. This is my world. I live for Hulk. I live for you. I dare you to take part for a week and tell me you doubt me. I have crafted something so special, it’s been described as “a movement.” You know what? I’m ok with that… Because you can’t have a movement out of necessity. You can’t have the NEED for a movement with being backed into a wall and having no other option. For many of you, this is Custer’s last stand… Only we’re winning. Undoubtedly. Confidently.

“In the end, the hilltop was probably too small to accommodate the survivors and wounded. Fire from the southeast made it impossible for Custer’s men to secure a defensive position all around Last Stand Hill. On Last Stand Hill, the soldiers put up their most dogged defense. According to native accounts, far more Indian casualties occurred in the attack on Last Stand Hill than anywhere else. The extent of the soldiers’ resistance indicated they had few doubts about their prospects for survival. According to Cheyenne and Sioux testimony, the command structure rapidly broke down, although smaller “last stands” were apparently made by several groups. Custer’s remaining companies (E, F, and half of C,) were soon eradicated.” (credit)

So you see, we are Custer’s crew… So backed into a corner that what OTHER prospect is there? Fight for life, or take death as it comes… It’s up to you, but I promise that if you join me in the battle cry, that we will beat down these demons and insecurities that have taken over.

If you’re just in it for the workout and don’t need any mental stimulation to go with it, don’t worry, I proudly run one of the toughest boot camps in Sonoma County. Remember though, if you are in it for the “getting in shape” aspect and nothing more, fake it for me… You never know if you’re the person who someone is looking up to…

– Hulk

Alright y’all, here is the breakdown! If you were NOT a participant in “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII” then this pertains to you! I want to measure you!

Team Heart:
9:30am – 11am (Please come no later than 10:30am)

Team Soul:
11am – 12:30pm (Please come no later than 12pm)

What to expect:
I will be taking circumference measurements (neck, chest, waist, belly button, hips, thigh, and arm) as well as a before picture and initial weigh-in. NO body fat % will be taken as well as no blood pressure (let’s just get through the Holidays folks, we’ve got enough to worry about!). I will also be having you fill out a questionnaire and commitment contract (oh yeah, you’re in for the long haul aka 2 months :D).

If you are NOT able to make these times, please e-mail with available hours to possibly do a make-up and I will do my best to pick a make-up date that works for everybody!

Be on the lookout for in another day or so the complete schedule for “Holiday Hulk” so you can mark your calendars and prepare for themes :).

Fit Test

The FOLLOWING Saturday (November 5th) I will be conducting the fit test for everyone who did not participate in “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII.”

Team Heart:

Team Soul:

Expect to see how long you can hold a wall-sit, how long you can hold a plank, how many crunches you can do in 60 seconds, how many push-ups you can do in 60 seconds, and how long you can hold “Thor’s Hammer.” Don’t worry if you are working with any injuries, I can work around those.

Again, if this time table doesn’t work for you, then please e-mail so I can do some “make-up” tests. This will give you a 7 week opportunity to improve upon your fit test scores. I would like to do it on day 1, but with my last challenge having JUST ended, this is the way the Hulk cookie crumbles (SMASHES) so… thank you for your flexibility!

– Hulk

PS Holiday song a classic! If you’re new to “” I attach a song to every picture I post. Just click it 🙂