Posts Tagged ‘Anniversary’

Hello complete exhaustion, how I’ve missed you…

You know how certain smells remind you of a memory? Perhaps when a familiar location brings past experiences flooding back? Well I mean it when I say that this feeling I have has only one association… challenge time. It’s the kind of exhaustion that ONLY happens when Team Hulk is smashin’ and bashin’. Please don’t get me wrong though, I TRULY did MISSSSSSS this feeling y’all! Let’s me know we’ve got magic on our hands that not even a neo-warlock like Charlie Sheen would know how to contain…

Yeah, I said it. Bring it on Sheen…

I want to take this moment to say Happy Anniversary to 2 very important Hulksters… Bobbi and Tye Rivera! I most recently had the pleasure of taking a Disneyland trip with them (all three of us have a very soft spot in our heart for Disney) and to give you the full scope of how awesome they are, they got married on “Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blaster” ride! Unless Bob Iger is reading this…then no, no they didn’t…

Just wanted to brief you all briefly! Catch you on the flippity flop!

– Hulk