Posts Tagged ‘Green lantern’

She's Superwoman alright!

First and foremost, Click Here to see the amazing pictures from last night’s “Superhero” workout!

Why don't people take me seriously?

So last night, I had pretty much the most fun of all time. As you can see, I sported a green “morphsuit” (anybody watch “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?” Or how about the Vancouver Green Men?) with some purple shorts in support of my favorite superhero, HULK! Not gonna lie, that thang was HOT like the black leather in a convertible with the top down underneath the Arizona sun in the middle of July. Fear not though, I still did Zumba afterwards!!! Seriously though, last night was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who dressed up and participated to the fullest!

Also, special shout out to my parents for showing up for Zumba!

Mama Hulk and Papa Hulk!

Like Father Like Son!

Kima, I want to thank you again for fighting through the pain your elbows give you. You’re genuinely inspiring, especially the fact that you thank me afterwards every time!

Amanda Martin, I promise to always wear the jumpsuit if you need. We can even go out and get coffee… I will wear the jumpsuit. Don’t think I won’t!

Amanda Vallee, tell Hawaii Taryn and I will be there very soon. You better be having a blast! We miss you, come back to us!

Tanisha, spin on your hands tomorrow and I will post a video, I promise :).

Tye, you tore the wheels off that train of a workout last night, chewed them up, spit them out, and formed them into a racecar as you sped off into the sunset. Because you could. Seriously, you manhandled that workout like it was the 50’s and you were asking your secretary to do some work for you. Minus the gin of course.

Mama Hulk and Papa Hulk, I hope you had fun at Zumba! You better be apart of our Zumba family now!

Jessica, you are the best Zumba instructor in the world.

Chris, although round IS a shape, we’re trying to shape shift here smartass :).

– Hulk

PS click on the pictures, there’s some goodies in there!