Posts Tagged ‘Hide and seek champion’

Coming to a gym near you...

Ok, so maybe Bin Laden and Hulk: Round 6 didn’t relate to one another… but you know what, Hulk: Round 6’s starting weekend will always be remembered! Moving on…

I’m gonna come right out and say it. Bud, you watch out. I worked with Tami today and she is ready to tear into you like a Hyena who hasn’t eaten in a week who stumbled upon a chicken farm and the farmhand stepped out for the day… She’s upgraded her breakfast to steel topped with thumbtack gravy, a side of bullet casings, and she washes it down with gasoline. Don’t worry, it’s Shell V formula, unleaded. It helps clear the sludge out. Your legs will bow to Tami…

This Thursday Hulksters is going to start the actual workouts. And we’re starting with legs. Which means we’re starting with a bang. Which means this Thursday, if you didn’t know… Now you know. The story of “Et Ducit” will also be told, as well “The Chant 2.0.” I know I posted that in a couple other postings but… It’s my blog and I do what I want! Go start your own titled “” I’ll visit every day!

The order is going to be “Lower body/ Upper body/ Core” meaning this Thursday is lower body, Saturday is upper body, and the following Thursday is core… Then it starts all over again! Now you know, that’s the order!

Duty calls! If you haven’t figured out by now, the song of the day is always going to be located by clicking the Hulk picture. Today is no exception… GREAT song! WILL be played during some workouts.

– Hulk