Posts Tagged ‘holiday hulk’

It is now 12:10am on October 23rd and a very short time ago I completed Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII. By “completed” I mean put the kabosh on the slideshow. You see, to me, the challenge isn’t over until the slideshow is completed.

Sure, I know who won. Sure, I know how many pounds and inches team hulk accumulated as a whole. Sure, I’ve completed the before and after certificates and matched them up with everyone’s personal recognition award. Sure the board is ready and the final workout is in the record books. Sure my car is packed with the shovels, markers, shirts, and various other goodies that are necessary to get down with the get down tomorrow…

But the slideshow… You see, I did it different this time. I USED to flood Facebook with photos so everyone could get a taste of what it is we all are blessed to be experienced! Now though, people know. It is understood Hulk is special… So I held back. I have about 5,000 photos. I have posted about 200 TOTAL the last 2 and a half months from this challenge. I am literally the only person on the planet who has seen these pictures…

Until sunday, at roughly 5pm. My baby will be unveiled to the world. I spent about an hour a minute on this slideshow. Not because it’s hard to string photos together (although let it be known I edit all the music, time all the photos, and splice the effects all myself), but because of the fact that I can think of nothing harder than to choose select few photos from THOUSANDS. Well, I did it. I told the story I wanted to tell, and you all lived it. Tomorrow, you get to see the last 2 and a half months replayed back to you on a 30 minute time span.

I find myself wanting to reveal planned events for the party so I am better off stopping while I’m ahead.

The champagne popped tonight was the sweetest I have ever tasted. The toast to a point in time that I feel is going on nowhere in the world but here was the finest toast I have ever clinked. I promise that everything you expect the final party to be, it will be.

I told you “hulk vs. hulk” was going to be life changing, after all, didn’t I?

– Hulk