Posts Tagged ‘Hulk vs. Hulk’

Start: November 1st

End: December 27th

Boot Camp Days: Tuesday and Thursday (potentially Wednesday and Friday as well depending on demand!)

Cost: Affordable! Dependent on volume of participants


The holidays can be flat out stressful. Between not-so-good-for-you food and drinks running rampant, visiting family and friends every single weekend, holiday shopping, and dreary weather, it’s EXTREMELY easy to get comfortable, throw on those baggy clothes, and say “I’ll get back to it in January.” I say no. We say no. If you’ve seen or heard of “Hulk” and would like to know more, please put down your name and e-mail and I’ll send you all the info you need! Hulk Holiday Help will provide “Inner-week” boot camps to make sure you stay on track with your health and fitness goals without interfering with weekend travel times. Tools, tips, tricks, and the most supportive people you could ever meet will all be at your disposal to make sure that you not only maintain your “holiday health” but in the process, better it! Sound off!!!

If you’d like to get on my list, send an e-mail to and let me know! I will make sure there is a spot for everybody, I just need to know well in advance! Let’s do this!


That is all.

Bobbi Rivera: Rad to the Bone

Alright y’all, bring your calendars out, we’ve got some dates to mark!

8/30: Team Black’s Introduction to “The Shovel”/ Core Extravaganza

9/1: Team Green’s Introduction to “The Shovel”/ Core Extravaganza (Zumba at 7:10pm immediately after! That is for EVERYBODY!!!)

9/3: Team Green/Black Upper Body Workout from Hell

9/6: Team Black “Back Alley Beatdown: Legs Edition”

9/8: Team Green “Back Alley Beatdown: Legs Edition” (Zumba at 7:10pm immediately after! That is for EVERYBODY!!!)

9/10: 1st Themed Workout! “Red, White, and Bruised (blue)” themed core workout to honor the lives lost on September 11th. Regular meeting times apply for both teams on Saturday :).

9/13: Team Black “Head-to-Toe” meltdown. Be ready to WORK. Last week before the weigh in… We’re hitting it ALL!

9/15: Team Green “Head-to-Toe” meltdown. Be ready to WORK. Last week before the weigh in… We’re hitting it ALL! (Zumba at 7:10pm immediately after! That is for EVERYBODY!!!)

9/17: Team Green/Black Measurements! No workout this day. Marks the half way point!


9/20: Team Black Upper Body Jamboree

9/22: Team Green Upper Body Jamboree (Zumba at 7:10pm immediately after! That is for EVERYBODY!!!)

9/24: Team Green/ Team Black SHOWDOWN. EVERY member of Team hulk (both teams) meets at the gym at 10:30am for an epic battle royale at the park where Team Green will face off against Team Black. Get pumped or get dumped!

9/27: Team Black “Black Light Special 3.0” – Core

9/29: Team Green “Black Light Special 3.0” – Core (Zumba at 7:10pm immediately after! That is for EVERYBODY!!!)

10/1: Team Green/ Black Lower Body Blowout! Every muscle fiber must go!

10/4: Team Black Upper Body Blitz – 80’s Style. Come decked out in your best 80’s gear! Get ready for some awesome 80’s music and decor as we get down with the get down!

10/6: Team Green Upper Body Blitz – 80’s Style. Come decked out in your best 80’s gear! Get ready for some awesome 80’s music and decor as we get down with the get down! (Zumba at 7:10pm immediately after! That is for EVERYBODY!!!)

10/8: Team Green/ Black “Core Meltdown”

10/11: Team Black Lower Body Manhandling (TWSS)

10/13: Team Green Lower Body Manhandling (TWSS) (Zumba at 7:10pm immediately after! That is for EVERYBODY!!!)

10/15: Team Green/ Black “Fit Test Workout”

10/ 18: Team Black “Final Push.” A test of what you’ve accomplished the past 9 weeks. Team Black your fit test will be on FRIDAY at 6:30pm.

10/20: Team Green “Final Push.” A test of what you accomplished the last 9 weeks. Team Green, you are going to be run a bit different. This workout is TWO HOURS. It starts with the fit test and leads RIGHT into a true test of what you’ve accomplished the last 9 weeks. Get after it! No Zumba after on this day 😦

10/21: Team Black Fit Test! Starts at 6:30pm. If not able to make it, contact me via “” and we will work out additional arrangements. Please try your absolute besty best to make it here!

10/22: Last day! “After” picture taken, body fat % tested, blood pressure tested, circumference measurements done, and final weigh-in! No workout this day. Team Green, I will start measuring everyone at 9am until 11am. Show up no later than 10am (As soon as everything is done, you’re done!). Team Black, I will start measuring at 11:30am until 1:30pm. Show up no later than 12:30pm.

10/23: HULK vs w/ Hulk Party! Location to be announced. Be prepared to celebrate what you all have accomplished the last 2 and a half months. Before and After certificates will be handed out, as well as individual awards. The winning team, as well as winning individuals will be announced. The slideshow will be presented, as well as several other SURPRISES!! HULK!!!!


Set your calendar in stone, because you’re not gonna want to miss this…

– Hulk

PS Bobbi, I dedicate the song of the day to you. You’re my hero 🙂

What is “Hulk?”
(Find out in the video below)

Last night, I went about “What is Hulk?” a little different with Team Green than with Team Black. I had a few messages that, at the last second, changed my approached. I’m not going to point anybody out or name any names, because that’s not the important thing. The important thing is that those who expressed concern about not being able to make it through to the end… Well I hope you got the message. This goes for Team Black as well… Please take these lyrics into account and apply them if necessary. If not necessary for you, keep a watchful eye… You never know when someone is having a hard time and they just don’t know how to/want to show it. One of the biggest lessons I learned in my struggle is to ALWAYS ask for help if you need it. I know it feels like sometimes your burdens are your own and it is selfish of you to project them on others, but WELCOME TO HULK. This is your zone to reach your hand out, to grasp at the hope of another and encouragement of many.

This is your time to fix you. To love you. To be you and be proud.

I will accept nothing less.

– Hulk

You can't even see the other half of the team 🙂

Hey y’all! Just wanted to let you all know that this weekend was a GREAT one. It is worth repeating that as a group (both teams together) about 50 lbs were lost. in 7 days.

Again, about 50 lbs were lost. in 7 days. You are all DEFINITELY Hulk…

Another thing I’m proud of is that LAST challenge… I was pissed at the second weigh in. The video below not only will showcase how absolutely appalled I was at everyone’s reaction to the scale, but why. This is a GREAT reminder for EVERYONE who ever feels like that goddamn scale controls your life. It doesn’t. I know a lot of you have seen this video, but please, watch it again and remind yourself that YOU control your own destiny, whatever you want to achieve. The scale is merely another tool to use, not your life source. Do NOT let that scale control you…

I also wanted to share that we’ve got some GREAT stuff in the works going on! Team Green, be on the lookout for certain members of Team Black to be contacting you with their awesome ideas :). Team Black, you do the same :). With 1 week and 1 day down, remember we’ve got another 9 weeks to go. That’s over 2 months y’all… You’re going to achieve what some people take 2 and a half YEARS to do in 2 and a half months. Why? Because you’re motivated, have all the tools, and I’ll be honest… I’m pretty good at what I do :). I’ve taken out all the mistakes because I made all those mistakes myself! All that’s left is good good work!!! I love you all :).

– Hulk


I want everyone on your respective team to STUDY UP! Watching that video puts into perspective that you ALL can bring it a little harder. I know, it’s new… but I want you to get PRIMAL. Chant like it’s your life blood. You MORE than deserve to be proud of what you are doing. You’re doing something that others either WISH they could do or flat out don’t have the mental grit to stick with it. That’s not you though… YOU are Hulk… Today (Saturday, August 20th, 2011) will be the ONLY day we don’t start the workout with a chant. From here on out EVERY BOOTCAMP starts with these. AhhhhOOOOOO!

With one week down, we’ve got some major stuff GOING down with Hulk vs. Hulk!!! I’ve got to say, both Team Green and Team Black, if I were giving points, each got one… Team Green, your energy was un-matchable this morning at 10am in the House of Hulk (sorry Team Black!). Team Black, however, most definitely took the “best energy award” for their workout in the middle of the week (Tuesday – 6:30pm). With that being said, let’s keep this competition ROLLIN’!

Just a quick little blurb… Both teams lost almost 50 lbs combined. Not including the people into it to gain weight or focus solely on fitness… In one week you all have lost the equivalent of a small child (or super obese infant). 50 lbs in 1 week? Serious? Yes, yes I am…

Team Songs!

Click HERE for Team Black’s Team Song complete with lyrics! (Pitbull feat. Kelly Rowland – Castle Made of Sand)

Click HERE for Team Green’s Team Song complete with lyrics! (Tinie the Tempah feat. Kelly Rowland – Invincible)

Amanda Martin and Jeff Martin are BACK!!! Their little boy, Jon Michael Martin (my name is Josh Michael so you KNOW he’s gonna be awesome) is back after his second major heart surgery! Want to learn more? PLEASE click HERE!! It doesn’t hurt to know the back story behind not only this courageous little guy, but his courageous parents as well :).

Unfortunately, I need to end this on a somber note… Ruben Martinez, former MVP and CONSTANT inspiration (one of my heroes) has broken his ankle :(. He has surgery on Tuesday. He does NOT, however, have a Facebook. He DOES have an e-mail though that he checks regularly! E-mail the man. He would for you. Let him know you wish him the speediest recovery so we can get his “5k ass” back!!! Ruben, if you’re reading this, team Hulk loves you and we hope we get do to battle with you before this challenge ends!

– Hulk

PS songs of the day should be self explanatory 🙂

Hulk Smash!!!

So as I was doing my cardio this morning, I was listening to the playlist I worked out yesterday for TODAY’S 1st Team Black workout of Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII, and I gotta say… I am FIRED UP. I felt that familiar feeling again… A feeling of power bubbling at my heels before surging skyward and lifting me up by the shoulders, making me light as a feather yet strong as a speeding freight train with a vengeance…

That freight train leaves the station tonight ladies and gentlemen. The momentum gets built TONIGHT under the lights of Anytime Fitness’ Aerobic Room, or as I like to refer to it “The House of Hulk.” If you are a part of team black, you are going to OWN that room tonight. I will make sure of it. Follow me with everything you’ve got, and I promise the sky is going to light up tonight. Tonight is YOUR night to prove something to yourself. To look yourself dead in the eye and say “I refuse to be my own worst enemy ANYMORE.” Tonight, you get to do something about that. You see, I hear all the tales of everyone coming in here scared that they aren’t going to be able to keep up, or that it’s going to be too intense for them, or that the pictures are too much to handle. I hear everything, believe me… But I also know those worries too. I was once that very person. I went from not being able to even HOLD myself in a push-up position to being able to do 113 in 60 seconds. Pull-ups were not only an improbability, but an impossibility. Now, I lose count…

I let my fears control me for far too long to ever let them get in the way of anybody else. Ever. Trust me when I tell you it’s going to be alright. Believe me when I tell you I know what it’s like. Be inspired when I promise that it gets better if you let it. I have been in most of your shoes. As bad as it gets, I’ve been there. Depression, cutting myself, eating disorders… You wanna talk issues? I can talk issues. PAST issues. Issues that controlled my mind and body for far too long until my soul gave way to mutiny. So remember when that feeling of “I can’t do it…” starts to come to mind, replace it with “I CAN try” and you will win EVERY TIME. For you see, the outcome isn’t predestined for you… The outcome is controlled by effort and effort alone. You get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do… We’re gonna do the work people don’t do starting TONIGHT.

– Josh Cox

A special message to everybody about to take part in this upcoming “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII”

– Hulk

Can't Wait for Diamondhead!

Hey hey, long time no talk! Well, there’s been reason for that… Those reasons which will be seen, heard, and experienced starting mid August… Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII is RIGHT around the corner! That, actually, is why I’m updating!

Before I get into that however, I would like to say… ALOHA! But, the “bye” version, because this guy is headed off to Hawaii! My wonderfully amazing girlfriend Taryn and I are headed to Oahu bright and early 5am tomorrow morning and needless to say, we’re excited! I will be BACK to regularly scheduled programming (for the most part) on August 8th. Until then, be sure to send me an e-mail at with any important inquiries or statement and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Now, everyone who has done a challenge before knows that it is a ZOO the first day. It also, unfortunately, takes a LOOOOOOONG time. Well, in order to make the process a whole hell of a lot smoother, I have decided to split apart the fit test and the “measurement” day. Here is the schedule. Be sure to read everything ALL THE WAY THROUGH before getting flustered and writing me immediately:

Team Green Fit Test – August 11th (Thursday) at 5:30pm (will be conducting fit tests until 7:30pm, but please come as early as possible so as to start the fit tests right on time at 6pm)

Team Black Fit Test – August 12th (Friday) at 5:30pm (will be conducting fit tests until 7:30pm, but please come as early as possible so as to start the fit tests right on time at 6pm)

If you are not able to make it to your designated teams fit test date, but ARE able to make it to the opposing team’s fit test date, that is completely alright! Be sure to e-mail me so that I have advanced noticed :).

If you are not able to make it to EITHER of those dates, then please e-mail me and we will schedule your make up fit test.

PLEASE keep in mind that it is VERY important that you make it to the fit test. I humbly request that everyone does everything they can to make it to one of these 2 dates for the fit test so as to maintain my sanity :). If there is NOTHING you can do and HAVE to reschedule your fit test date, I understand and will work with you if you are able to work with me. Everyone else, get ready to hammer out a work out those dates ;).

The way MEASUREMENT day is going to work is as follows:

Team Green Measurements – August 13th (Saturday) at 9am until 11am (show up no later than 10am).

Team Black Measurements – August 13th (Saturday) at 11:30am until 1:30pm (Show up no later than 12:30pm)

Both teams will be getting your circumference measurements recorded, blood pressure tested, body fat percentage tested, initial weigh-in, and “before” picture taken. You will also be filling out contact information, a questionnaire, and a “commitment contract”, as well as getting to know your fellow teammates!

I have stressed the importance of the fit test dates, but I REALLY have to stress the importance of the first day… I humbly request again that everyone does everything in their power to make it to the first day. Not just for me, but to be part of the experience… To meet everybody. To feel the anticipation and excitement in the air as it becomes “official” the journey you TRULY are about to embarking upon. Just like the fit test however, if there is NOTHING you can do and HAVE to miss the first day, e-mail me and we will work it out. In the meantime, get pumped or get dumped baby!

Also, I promise, this competition is a FRIENDLY competition. I know we’re intense, but not in a mean spirited way at all! If you have to do some stuff with the other team, don’t worry, you will be treated as you are… an adversary. After all, we’re all in the same boat, fighting the same good fight TOGETHER! Remember, you have a SAFE PLACE on Team Hulk :).

With that, I bid you all a farewell, for I have some packing to finish up… Meaning some tank tops and board shorts to throw into my bag ;).

I will miss you all! Aloha!

– Hulk

Tell 'em what your name IS!!!!!

Team Black (Meeting every Tuesday at 6:30pm and Saturday at 11:30am):

  • Stuart Alexander
  • Bud Hull
  • Gina Sarpy
  • Megan Gill
  • Chanra Gill
  • Jeff Martin
  • Matt Moniz
  • Kristie Clay
  • Meghan Auerswald
  • Jisaela Tenney
  • Lindsey Caddy
  • Cara Tocchini
  • Bobbi Rivera
  • Tammey L. Clark
  • Chris keys
  • Garry Baptista
  • Denise LaVenter
  • Jessica LaVenter
  • Julie Hogg
  • Jamie Bywater
  • Kima Lovold
  • Ian Nickles
  • Kelly Dawson
  • Pablo Zavala
  • Nicole Eaton
  • Amanda Vallee

Team Green (Meeting every Thursday at 6pm and Saturday at 10am):

  • Carlo Piscitello
  • Cory Lacy
  • Shaleena Gibson
  • Jessica Birrer
  • Adam Gray
  • Amanda Martin
  • Lorna Kennedy-Klein
  • Christina Kelly
  • Jessica Hewitt
  • Pete Macias
  • Jose Zavala
  • Chenoa Busic
  • Maggie Shuck
  • Kristina Lamb
  • Anne Musaelian
  • Jodi Curry
  • Ruben Martinez
  • Ana Rivas
  • Tanisha Larsen
  • Tami Larsen
  • Paul Larsen
  • Kevin John
  • Liz Rait
  • Sander Seymour
