Posts Tagged ‘Memorial Day’

BOSU Stability Course tonight, 6:30pm at Anytime Fitness, Santa Rosa Ave.

First off, I hope everyone had an amazing memorial day! I know I sure did… but now it’s back to reality! Enough BBQ and good brew for the month… My water retention this morning definitely reminded me of that haha. I definitely needed to recharge the mental battery, but now that it’s recharged, I’m ready to destroy some bodies and create some smiles!

First order of business… BOSU stability class tonight! If you’re in the area, it’s at 6:30pm at the Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. Get ready to get your butt kicked with what I call “quiet chaos.” It may not look like much, but internally AND externally… get ready for that butt to be severely kicked! And Core… and shoulders… Nothing is safe!!

Secondly, the shirts are DEFINITELY going to be done by this Saturday (in your possession I mean). It’s no secret that I’m very unhappy with how long these shirts are taking, and rest assured I won’t allow for this to happen next time. Not to point any fingers, but there was some slacking going on (not on my end) that has me pretty damn fired up not in a good way… But don’t worry, I’ll use that energy on y’all come Thursday when we’ve got you under the black lights 😉

Which is a perfect segway! The first themed workout is this Thursday and if you haven’t done one of my themed workouts before, get ready for the time of your life. Trust me on that.

Matt Moniz, I wanted to give you your own paragraph to let you know, we all see how much you’re DESTROYING this challenge. Your effort and tenacity definitely is noticed, appreciated, and inspiring. The change PHYSICALLY these last 4 weeks have been off the charts. Mentally, you’re definitely on point or else you wouldn’t be transforming the way you’re transforming. Keep it up my man!!!

Remember everyone, every day is a new day. If you’ve been sick, down, or just had a bad week, now is the chance to get after it. I mean REALLY get after it. The past is the past, and if you let it affect your future, well then you need a few more Hulk workouts to destroy that negative mindset. You know how I get down…

Song of the day… The chorus is my personal anthem. “Had to grind from the bottom all the way to the top/ I swear I won’t flop/ Give it all that I got/ I know why they jock… x3”

– Hulk