Posts Tagged ‘San Diego’

I'm back and ready to destroy some bodies!!

Oh boy howdy am I back and ready to destroy some people! After a momentary hiatus in St. Diago, I’m back to bring on the rapture (you know, to make up for the one that definitely didn’t happy on Saturday). After some fun in the sun and time with some great people, I’m filled with the sort of hunger for destruction that only a rabid Hyena in the middle of an Antelope hospital could be filled with! Seriously, if you’re coming to my BOSU class tonight, be ready to HURT!

Couple things… Board will be up this week! I know it’s been 3 weeks and we’ve got nothin’, but don’t worry because we will have 7 weeks of somethin’! I’m only one man, gotta gimme a break here people ;).

Shirts are here on Saturday. Get ready to Hulk out in some team uniforms!

Alright, time to go Hulk EAT, since my stomach is about ready to punch me in the face. I don’t want that to happen… Good thing Mountain Mikes is across the street!

Song of the day… is a fun one ;). Definitely a pump up jam, with some lightheartedness with it 😉

– Hulk

PS totally kidding about Mountain Mikes 😉

Homeward bound!

Posted: May 23, 2011 in sunburnt
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On my way home! Fancy, shadow, and chance… Move aside, cuz I’m homeward bound!

First, I have to say im SO proud of Tyerone! If you haven’t found out by now, he was the guest instructor for this Saturday, and there wasn’t a trainer in the WORLD who understands Team Hulk the way that great man does. When they ask, you tell ’em…

“why are you walking so funny?”

“Tyerone Rivera. AhhhOOOOOHHHH!!!!”

If you didn’t know, I’m in San Diego, taking part in watching my best friend of 15 years graduate from SDSU (go Aztecs!) with a BA in Art. Billy Hughes, thank you for graduating and giving me one of the few reasons why I would ever leave my team momentarily (y’all were in good hands). I love you Billy!

The last thing I wanna touch upon as I update from my phone is how incredibly awesome zumba was on Thursday night. A group of us hulk dudes surprised hulkster Jessica LaVenter (who runs the bootcamp) by doing her class. Tye and I even made shirts! “hulk zumba” on the front and “team Jessica” on the back. Jessica, I promise you I will get you one made, they just weren’t cheap ;). You will forever be worth it though! Seriously, you’ve got some regulars my dear… AhhhOOOOO!!!

Song of the day? “California girls” by David lee Roth. For obvious reasons.

Taryn I miss you!

– hulk
