Posts Tagged ‘Shoulders’

Get pumped or get dumped!!


Come on Miami! Close this business out!! LIke Daniel Tosh said, let’s get this thing done in 6 games so it doesn’t interfere with Tosh Tuesday!

So the live show of “The Voice” was off the chain. The “Lady Marmalade” performance was AWESOME. Next week though is the real testament to how awesome this show is… Next week we get to see Vicci, Nakia, Jorge, Jeff Jenkins, and the rest of Team Cee-Lo and Team Adam destroy the competition. I can’t WAIT to see what Nakia has in store! I gotta say though, I think Beverly is emerging as one of my favorites… If Team Cee-Lo could take on a 5th member, I would want her to be it. I never get wrapped up in these kind of shows until “The Voice”… Damn you NBC!

On a serious note, sickness is gone and the hunger is back. T-Minus 9 minutes until Hulk Hulks out. I have 10 spots left out of a possible 50 for “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII” so if you’ve got interest, better let me know now! I had 20 spots left until I made the announcement a couple hours ago… Get the picture?

If you have a friend or family member on Team Hulk, be sure to text your condolences to their upper body now, because RIP Chest, shoulders, Triceps, and Biceps!

Song of the day… Great cardio song 🙂

– Hulk

That's my team baby! Top 10 (11 due to the tie) out of 26!

I can’t start this out without a proper birthday shout out to the one, the only, the beautiful, the amazing, the… You get it… Tami Larsen! She turns 27 today (at least she looks like it) and for her birthday, I promised her the most excruciating leg workout of all time. The best part is SHE asked for it SPECIFICALLY for her birthday! Golly I love that woman to puzzle pieces (because you can put those back together). Maybe there is something more in store for her when she gets here… we’ll see… 😉

That’s my team baby! Now that the board is rearing its beautiful head, I expect some increased motivation (not that you needed it, RIGHT?). Remember, there will be prizes at the end of this bad boy (no Diddy) y’all! The final 6 and a half weeks should be pretty fun watching this board change back and forth! For now Eric, you’ve got the crosshairs!

I already said it, but the shirts are due to come in Saturday. I’m hoping that we have our first team workout in the team uniforms that very day ;). Then, we get to look forward to our first outdoor bootcamp the following Thursday! I was waiting until we got the team shirts before we marched to the park. I want everyone along Kiwanis Springs to know who we are coming down the street… Hulk army baby!

So last nights BOSU class was a blast… felt good to be back and working some people over in a class format after some fun in the sun over the weekend in San Diego. I have some awesome plans for our workout tomorrow… First upper body workout incorporating weights baby cakeries! Can’t wait to feed ya baby birds ;).

On a side note… Gnomeo and Juliette came out yesterday!!! Oh boy howdy I can’t wait to watch it AGAIN tonight! I dare ANYBODY to watch that movie and be in a bad mood… And if you’re boasting that you can do it, well my friend, that’s nothing to be proud of. How about you go thaw your heart out and be a better person ya negative nancy!

Also, I’d like to post the video of me addressing the team while I was in San Diego if Tyerone will send it to me. Hey Tye, like how instead of texting you or asking you tonight, I just ask you via my website? I think that’s how I’m going to communicate with you from now on. I think it’ll make things interesting. And by interesting I mean unnecessarily difficult… works for me!

Another side note… pretty underwhelmed by the voices on “The Voice” last night… Gimme more Vicki Martinez! I know she’s a lesbian… but she makes my heart melt. I know I’m straight, but Jorge and Nakia (spl?), well they make my heart melt too. Sing to me! I want to be a judge! HEAR THAT NBC?! Or CBS… I can’t remember…

I just know I NEVER want to be a trainer on the biggest loser. I enjoy having a soul too much for that.

– Hulk

PS song of the day, one of my favorite songs of all time. If you can’t rock out to this song, then you can chew on foil. 🙂

Say goodbye to your shoulders now Hulkamaniacs

Your chest and shoulders are going to cease to exist after tonight. T-Minus 41 minutes…

– Hulk

We're the strongest ones there are...

First, I can’t start this update without singing Happy Birthday to Art! There, I just did it. I mean, I sang. Right here. At the computer. If you wanted me to type it out, that would be weird of you… Plus, if you don’t know the words, then I’m surprised you made it to my page… Anyways, Happy birth anniversary Arty the one man party! Artimus Prime! I got you and Lorna the same present… Complete soreness! Birthday BOSU class tonight anyone?

It’s pretty cool the impact my “scale address” is having on people. I’m getting messages and e-mails from all over the country saying basically that it was the slap in the face they needed to wake up and realize who is REALLY in control. You’re damn right! I got plenty more where that came from! I’ve been screaming for years, but it hasn’t been until now those ears have perked up!

“Everywhere there’s a kid that no one cares about, you’ve just gotta keep screamin’ till they hear you out.”

So let me remind you Hulkamaniacs, tomorrow we have a bootcamp at 6pm. Upper body time! Get ready for some push-ups till you drop (then more after that), some re-enactment of “Thor’s Hammer”, Isometric flexes, and the introduction to some BOSU action! Oh the fun times we are going to have…

In a couple of weeks, we’re going to be running our first theme workout… Black Light Special #2 is first up. This one is my personal favorite, and I even dropped some money on portable LED lights (Click Here to see the lights being used in “The Story of Et Ducit”) that will brighten the ground so we have the crazy black light, glow stick, lit walls effect with VISION!! Look forward to that June 2nd my pretties… Right before measurements!!

Alright bros and chicas, I’m off to go murder my core, destroy a few other kindhearted well-to-do individuals, then run a successful BOSU stabilization course with the intent to make it a birthday Art never forgets.

– Hulk

PS song of the day… another good cardio gem. I love me some Timbaland!