Posts Tagged ‘support’

Sometimes, we tend to do the wrong kind of smashing...

Alrighty everyone, I’ve had an idea for a bit that I tossed out today in regards to getting together as a group and discussing everything under the sun in regards to nutrition! From sharing recipes to talking about the struggles that come with a healthier lifestyle so you can maybe get a different perspective or hear a few tips and tricks maybe you haven’t heard before. Well, when I tossed the idea out there, it was received so well that rather than e-mailing those interested, I felt it necessary to sound out a mass hulk post! Another action I’d like to take with this “Hulk Food Group” is to answer any questions as a group and address the question to everyone. You’d be surprised at how many people have the same question you do!

Those who would like to bring food journals for me to look over are more than welcome to do so! Click HERE to get some easy to use food journal templates that you can print right from the website and keep track of what you’d like me to look over! You can also get a simple notebook and document that way as well. If choosing that method, please still check the template website and seeing the basic info I’d like you to keep track of for me :).

The goal of this is to unify! To support! To encourage! To listen! To speak! To broaden your nutritional horizons! To get a better grasp of the MENTAL side of changing your nutritional lifestyle for the better! I have already talked to a couple people (and a couple more I still need to contact) that would love to come guest speak in the future. When that happens, best believe I will post about it :).

I would like to get this started next Wednesday, February 8th at 7:30pm (after Team Poseidon meets) at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Avenue. If you are not a part of Team Hulk or a “hulk associate” then please e-mail me at so that I can be ready for a new face :).

This first HFG (Hulk Food Group) I will be providing a post workout juice mix to any Hulksters who worked out prior as a “thanks for staying!” along with a “this will make it so you can sit, listen, engage, and not feel like you’re going to die.”

This coming first HFG, I will also be starting it out. I will go over whatever struggles I’ve experienced during the week nutritionally (I go through lots daily, trust me!) as well as providing a quick, easy, and healthy “homemade protein bar” recipe to share with anybody who would like one :).

Lastly, if any of you get the chance, please check this film out. That intangible energy that is hard to explain that makes a Hulk workout so lively… They talk about exactly that in this movie, among many other intriguing perspectives that will leave you thinking for sometime after the ending credits have rolled. I still plan on putting up a post about this movie in relation to “Hulk” and the connective energy you all harbor, so be on the lookout for that :).

– HulkÂ