Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’

Team Gamma, Team Beast, and Team Banner... Here we go!

Alright y’all, it’s that time… What time might you ask? Well, it’s that time to get excited as excited can get because in roughly 3 weeks… HULK X IS HERE! Now, in order to start Hulk X off with the epic motor rev that it deserves, the orientation is going to be something you’re not gonna want to miss… Let me give you a few reasons why:

  • DJ Peter Panic will be orchestrating the music and providing the sound system, complete with Microphone set up (yes, I get a microphone, you’re in for it now!)
  • “Hulk memorabilia” displayed everywhere. From all the shovels, “Book of Failure,” “Scrolls of Success,” Banners, flags, past shirts… Everything Hulk will be available to check out so you can get a full feel of the legacy you’re about to embark upon
  • Slideshows will be playing on flatscreens so at any given moment you can catch a glimpse of yet another small sliver of the beautiful road you’re about to travel down.
  • Guest speakers! A few select Hulksters will be speaking about what Hulk has meant to them, and give the new Hulksters some insight on what to expect.
  • A 1 hour outdoor boot camp will immediately follow! Details below….

Date: April 29th

Time: 12pm-1:15pm (Orientation) 1:30pm –  2:30pm (Outdoor Boot Camp!). I suggest getting there a little early to check out everything displayed and to meet some new Hulksters. Shaking hands and learning new names never hurt anybody :).

Cost: Absolutely nothing at all in the slightest.

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave.

What to expect: To learn about the subtle theme of HULK X. To hear the story of how it came together. To learn the chant and how we sound off (plus a couple cool new editions), to hear what is expected of YOU, and to hear other Hulksters’ person accounts of their own experience (and what you might be able to draw from it).

Parking: VERY IMPORTANT!!! Due to the minimal parking, I need to encourage car pooling to the MAX. If you need help finding someone to carpool with, cruise the Hulk X forum on Facebook! You can even talk with me and I can try to set something up for you. There are also people who live near the gym (myself included) so you can also park your car where THEY live and either walk/drive over together. I need to stress this point so the business parking for the places AROUND us don’t get over run with the power of the people. Let me know if you have any questions here, but it went off without a hitch last time so I expect the same to happen this time! Because you all are quite awesome :).

Who’s invited?: EVERYONE! Scream this invite from the mountain top! This is your chance to bring friends and family together in one spot to show them EXACTLY what Hulk is all about. This is also an opportunity for the new people who have a tough time explaining what they’re in for to bring friends and family so you are able to say “Here ya go, this guy will explain it WAAAAAAY better than I can!” No need to ask me if it’s alright to bring anybody, because the answer is yes to WHOEVER it is. Trust me, this is something you’re going to want to share… 

Boot Camp Afterwards: IMMEDIATELY after the orientation is done, I will be leading all of those willing and able (friends of Hulksters included) to the park down the street for a total body demonstration of what a Hulk workout consists of. All levels are welcome. There isn’t a soul that’s not invited. There is not a single cost to be sprung upon you… A FREE workout with ALL of Hulk on a sunny day after getting charged up to the point of exploding from the orientation… How are you gonna find a reason NOT to hop on board and sweat with a smile? THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! Remember, dress accordingly because there will be a 15 minute intermission after the orientation and then we make like Tebow and JET!

So I leave you with this… Spread this link like wildfire. Share this page with anyone who will listen. Make fliers and turn this thing into a frenzy. You’re not gonna want to miss this…


PS Official Team Rosters announced on Wednesday… 

We Are Hulk

Yes we are..

Hephaestus (Out of 17 people who completed the stats):
Pounds lost: 71.5
Inches lost: 85
Average lbs/inches lost: 4.2lbs/5 inches
MVH: Lori De Marco

Most body composition lost: Cliff Crocker (23.5 lbs lost/8.5% total body weight lost)
Most inches lost: Cliff Crocker (24 inches. Most out of EVERYONE. Lori De Marco came in second place with 8.2 inches lost)

Poseidon (Out of 18 people who completed the stats):
Pounds lost: 76.5
Inches lost: 94.8
Average lbs/inches lost: 4.25 lbs/5.26 inches
MVH: Devin Booth
Most body composition lost: Devin Booth (15.5 lbs/5.15% of total body weight lost)
Most inches lost: Tami Larsen (13.1 inches lost. Most on the team! Devin Booth came in second with 9.9 inches lost)

Apollo (Out of 15 people who completed the stats):
Pounds lost: 66
Inches lost: 116
Average lbs/inches lost: 4.4 lbs/7.25 inches
MVH: Kathi Tyler
Most Body Composition lost: Kathi Tyler (Highest composition loser out of EVERYONE with 11.64%!)
Most inches lost: Kathi Tyler (19.9! Art Villareal came in second with 13.1 inches lost)

So, Hulk: Round IX is over. We most certainly are Hulk, and the party on Saturday, March 31st told that story very well. I couldn’t be more proud of every single one of you who showed up and reveled in the work you all did in 2 and a half months that it takes some people a life time to achieve (and I’m talking FAR from physical…)


If you still haven't signed your team shovel, I will have them at the gym this week with markers available 😉

For those of you who weren’t there, I can guarantee you that you were sorely missed. One team, one dream. No man left behind. You plant a positive seed, you get a positive flower. To the Hulksters not in attendance, we definitely watered your flower for you (TWSS). Being a part of the Hulk family means you were a part of our hearts during each and every award. Every picture during the slideshow. Every sound off. Every tear.


Kathi Tyler, the overall winner by losing over 11 percent of her overall body composition! She also lost 19 inches and has one of the meanest bicep flexes I have ever seen. This is her receiving her MVH (Most Valuable Hulkster) award with her beautiful future Hulkster daughter, Bree,

I can say it was an honor to spend so much time with the best people I have ever met. It was my pleasure to share in laughter and tears with all of you, and I already can’t wait for what Hulk X is going to bring just so we can relive the magic that happened at Sally Tomatoes on March 31st, 2012.

Cliff Crocker

Cliff receiving his award for most inches lost. 24 inches in 2 and a half months. He even went on vacation to Hawaii! He was the overall body composition loser for Hephaestus as well, dropping 23.5 lbs. This man is a beast!

When I got there, I didn’t know what to expect… I knew there was a lot of Toga talk, but it’s always interesting to see who put their money where their mouth was. It’s like when 20 people tell you they’re going to show up to boot camp and in reality only 8 people show up, I thought I might see the same thing with Togas… I was WRONG!

Devin Booth

Devin Booth was the overall composition loser for Poseidon, losing over 8% of his overall body weight. That was just a fraction of the inspiration and motivation he brought to the table for Hulk. Out of all the Hulksters in attendance, out of all the awesome people there that day, out of all the awards given out... When I announced Devin as the MVH for Team Poseidon, he was the only one to get a standing ovation. I told him them and I'll tell him now Devin, that had nothing to do with me up there with you and EVERYTHING to do with you. I swear the clapping got louder when I walked away 🙂

Everyone showed up decked out to the fullest! Even a couple Hulksters who are doing the next challenge but didn’t do this one showed up in a couple of the best togas there! Thanks Fatimah and Mario 😉

Cheryl and Lori!

Love these two!!! Cheryl and Lori are a couple of my absolute favorite people, period. Lori was the MVH for Hephaestus and for VERY good reason. I have never seen someone embody "Hulk" BEFORE coming into a challenge quite the way she has. She's fierce, beautiful, caring, hilarious, giving, loving... Lori, you are godsend for us small timers who need a little motivation every now and then ;). You are Hulk. I feel the same about you Cheryl ;). You two are in great company!


Board made by Bobbi and Tye Rivera. Results made by everyone on Hulk!

As everyone strolled in the smiles were amazing and the Togas were even better. The bar was working its magic and people were mingling… Life was good! With music going on, food being prepared, champagne and beer flowing from the cups chalices of many a merry Hulkster, it was time to serve the food….

Tam Bam

Tami Larsen trying to hide from the crowd. She lost 13.1 inches! SHE GOT THE MOST CHEERFUL AWARD!!!! Unicorns really DO exist!

I’d tell you how the food was, but I have no idea. I was too busy mentally preparing the intro speech I was going to make, mingling with everyone, and overall just admiring the joyous faces that were everywhere you looked. It truly was euphoric. To put it in perspective, I was approached by 5 people at the end of the party who were there to support loved ones and said “I want in on the next Hulk, what do I do?” You talk to me. You’re in 😉

Lori is awesome!

Lori De Marco is amazing! She brought her wonderful daughter, fantastic man, and adorable mini shovels with an "H" on each one of them! Lori, thank you so so much for these shovels. They will be making a reappearance very soon...

Once we got going (around 3pm) I opened up by talking about Dylan Von Lahr. The importance of a designated driver was highlighted by one of our own from the Anytime Fitness family learning that lesson the hard way. I made sure to let everyone know to keep Dylan in their prayers and that his unfortunate mistake was not in vein. Dylan, we love you.

We are Hulk

If you haven't signed the "We Are Hulk" banner, let me know. I want your signature on that bad boy!

Before I got to the slideshow, I spoke on a potential opportunity that I will be sure to fill everyone in on past Wednesday (I don’t want to jinx it!) when I go through an interview of sorts ;). The underlying message though was that Hulk made the interview possible. I’m getting interviewed for this amazing opportunity (that could possibly bring “Hulk” in some semblance EVERYWHERE… fingers crossed!) BECAUSE of Hulk. It’s true. I can only take so much credit.

Mario and Fatimah

Mario and Fatimah, future Hulksters! Watch out Hulk X...

I then went on to let everyone know that Hulk is just like “Terminator: Salvation.” I got some blank stares so I decided to explain… “Terminator: Salvation” is about a futuristic setting where machines have taken over the globe. They have standards and ridiculous protocols that have NOTHING to do with the essence of humanity yet they are so powerful they squash anyone that opposes them…

Cara and Josh

Greek Unicorns! I love you, Cara Elizabeth Jones.

Yet in this barren wasteland of destitute dictatorship, there is a small force… A rumble of humanity that says “We are going to fight for OURSELVES or die trying.” Simple and plain, they were the resistance. They would comb the land searching for ANY stragglers who were lost like they were with the message “Alone we are weak, but together we can accomplish anything. Even fighting for our lives.” With everything going against them and everything in the world providing the little to no hope, they banded together and CREATED hope…

Yes we are...

Thank you Jazzy! Jazzy made an AMAZING "Book of Failure" with everyone's worst fears in written form from "Holiday Hulk." She also made the "Trinity Scrolls" with the compliments everyone wrote themselves during the "Which would you choose?" exercise. They complimented each other quite nicely.

Hulk, we are the resistance. Together, we choose to take on this scary world that tries to tell us what to eat, drink, how to celebrate, what to enjoy, who to hang out with, what we can and cannot do, we aren’t good enough, why try… We say NO! Alone we are small… Together, we are HULK.

Justin, Tye, and Carlo

Justin, Tye, and Carlo sporting their best threads and even better smiles 🙂

Afterwards, I played the 20 minute slideshow. I broke down the slideshow in terms of the first couple weeks are the first 2 songs, the next few weeks where we did the Blacklight workouts and 80’s night workouts is the next song, then the final few weeks of pictures were told through each Team Song. The slideshows will be at the bottom of this post, segmented into each category I just listed. Take a look! I guarantee it’ll pump you up!

Kalyn Garrison

She got the "Best Warrior Face" award. She's a lot better at it than I am...

If you don’t know what the team songs are, they are worth a download (or at LEAST a listen to from the slideshow!).

Hephaestus: “The Fighter” by Gym Class Heroes feat. Ryan Tedder
Poseidon: “Shake It Out” by Florence and the Machine
Apollo: “The Believer” by Common feat. John Legend

Cara Jones

... We are. My little goddess receiving her "Best Unicorn" award

After the slideshow, I gave a brief intermission for people to use the bathroom, refill their drinks, stretch their legs… Then it was on to the awards!

Jess and Bree

Jessica LaVenter and Kathi's daughter, Bree 🙂

As you can read at the top, those were the results… and amazing results they are!!!

New Phone

Everyone chipped in and got me a giftcard for a new phone since mine is so busted! I was rendered absolutely speechless... I had no idea and got that phone ASAP! I can tell you all that your investment will not be in vain! I updated half this post with my new phone! Thank you SO MUCH Bobbi Rivera for coordinating such a thoughtful, sweet gesture that I will be reminded of every time I use my phone, which is every minute, every day. Thank you so much to everyone else pitching in and being so amazing!!!

I can honestly say that my FAVORITE part of every Hulk party is giving everyone their personal recognition awards. It allows everyone their time in the sun while allowing ME a time to recount funny stories, fond memories, bashful mix ups, funny faces, and everything in between! I can ALSO honestly say that I had no intention of doing the presentations shirtless. I learned the hard and fast way that the quality of the pins you use to hold your toga together is VERY important.

We Are Hulk

We are Hulk...

In the end, I just want to reiterate my thanks to everyone for all the hard work put in to making these last few months possible. It takes a village, and I’d say we have the BEST village. In addition to the slideshows below, I will be making a final slideshow of the party as well since we had pretty much the best photography out there happening while we partied! Between everyone’s cameras going a mile a minute and Mikel Eli photographing up a storm (Click HERE to go to his Facebook page to see all the photos from the Trinity Wrap party as well as other fantastic work he’s done! Please, don’t forget to “like” his page. He’s worth it, trust me.)

I also would like to thank Bobbi, Kima, Cara, and Tammey for all their hard work they put in to making the party a possibility! Without them, the awesome venue and amenities would have been nonexistent.

I would also like to thank Karin Bowhall and Kristie Clay for their FANTASTIC picture taking skills! They were the reason behind about 90% of the slideshow pictures (some was Mikel Eli too!) because they would come on a workout night that WASN’T their team to take professional pictures. Thanks is not enough but it’s all I’ve got at the moment so just know I mean it with all of my Hulk Heart.

I would also like to thank John and Denise Stave. They are the owners of the Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa ave. If 9 out of 10 times a gym owner would turn my zany ideas away and not even give me a chance, they were that 1… Without the freedom they allow and the unrivaled support they give to Hulk, Hulk would not be what it is today. Next time you see them, please, take a few moments and give them a HUGE thank you!

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone’s favorite Unicorn, Cara Jones. When I was worked to exhaustion and so spent I would literally get racked to tears, she was there to rub my back and make me dinner. When I would need input on something I wanted to do for or with Hulk, she was there every second of the way. When I needed help organizing all the before and after certificates, awards, and EVERYTHING else that went into the wrap party, she was there… filing papers, organizing files, and taking care of the business I couldn’t with a smile on her face (when she wasn’t helping Bobbi bake all the goodies everyone had the pleasure of enjoying at the party!). When I finally was able to enact my tradition of watching the slideshow when it’s FINALLY completed at 1am the Friday night prior to the party, she was under my arm just as excited as I was. When I needed ANYTHING, even just a nails on my back or kind words, she was there for me every step of the way. I want you to know I will forever appreciate everything you do for me and for everybody Cara, and I hope that I can someday return the favor the way you have for me. Even through the most trying part of your life, you are STILL a giver. You are a rare breed. You are the only one of your kind actually. You really are the last Unicorn…

Now, before I shut up, I encourage EVERYONE who participated in Hulk to leave a comment (only takes a couple minutes) of what you want someone to know if they ask “So, what makes Hulk so great to you?” I want the scope of this party to fire everyone up… I want YOUR words, not mine, to seal the deal. I’m only one man, YOU are many.


– Hulk

Comin' atcha...

I suggest you subscribe so you can effortlessly get all our updates 🙂

So, I gotta say… I’m excited. I’m excited like this is the first challenge I’ve ever done. I’m excited like a 5th grader who just got the powder blue schwinn he’s been aching so badly for for Christmas, only instead of some sweet new wheels I’ve got some awesome new people who are going to be entering into my life just as much as I’m entering their’s. I’m not S***ting around here people, I’m so amped up I cramped up!

I’m so stoked I could float!

I’m so jacked up I’m cracked up!

Get pumped or get dumped!

You get it… The point is, I’m ready if you are. I know you all signed a commitment contract. You know this as well. I also know you’ve heard about the magic that Hulk brings to the table, but it’s not an individual effort made by me, it’s a TEAM effort. It’s a “I’m gonna get out of my comfort zone because my comfort zone no longer works for me” kind of effort. It’s a “be who you WANT to be, not who you’re comfortable being” kind of effort. You’ll see…

I lose my voice every single workout. I have permanently scarred my vocal chords from Hulk. The kicker is it makes me want to scream louder, harder, more passionately… Because I care. This is my baby. This is my everything. This is my world. I live for Hulk. I live for you. I dare you to take part for a week and tell me you doubt me. I have crafted something so special, it’s been described as “a movement.” You know what? I’m ok with that… Because you can’t have a movement out of necessity. You can’t have the NEED for a movement with being backed into a wall and having no other option. For many of you, this is Custer’s last stand… Only we’re winning. Undoubtedly. Confidently.

“In the end, the hilltop was probably too small to accommodate the survivors and wounded. Fire from the southeast made it impossible for Custer’s men to secure a defensive position all around Last Stand Hill. On Last Stand Hill, the soldiers put up their most dogged defense. According to native accounts, far more Indian casualties occurred in the attack on Last Stand Hill than anywhere else. The extent of the soldiers’ resistance indicated they had few doubts about their prospects for survival. According to Cheyenne and Sioux testimony, the command structure rapidly broke down, although smaller “last stands” were apparently made by several groups. Custer’s remaining companies (E, F, and half of C,) were soon eradicated.” (credit)

So you see, we are Custer’s crew… So backed into a corner that what OTHER prospect is there? Fight for life, or take death as it comes… It’s up to you, but I promise that if you join me in the battle cry, that we will beat down these demons and insecurities that have taken over.

If you’re just in it for the workout and don’t need any mental stimulation to go with it, don’t worry, I proudly run one of the toughest boot camps in Sonoma County. Remember though, if you are in it for the “getting in shape” aspect and nothing more, fake it for me… You never know if you’re the person who someone is looking up to…

– Hulk

Red, White, and Bruised!

Well, I’ve gotta say, today’s “Red, White, and Bruised” workout… we weren’t s******’ around (love you to death Cara)! I wanted to honor the lives lost and the 10 year anniversary of an event none of us will ever forget, and boy howdy did we do that! You core is gonna be SCREAMIN’ tomorrow in honor of the fallen!

I also wanted to take this time to let everybody know… Good AMAZING job. Today marks the official “4 weeks down, 6 to go” period and let me tell you from MUCH experience… it’s going to go by SO FAST. It’s like high school… feels like you have a long time to go and before you know it, BOOM, you’re done and have made friends for life ;). This last 4 weeks though, holy geez-us… I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people bond together so fast in my life! In my years of doing this, THIS challenge has the greatest impact I have ever seen. Tean Green, Team Black… You, WE, are all in this together and I could not be more proud of each and every one of you. More importantly though (and I’ gonna sound like a broken record here) YOU should be proud of YOU. You get the results that people don’t get by doing the work that people don’t do? You all are doing that work and then some…

Next Saturday, we have measurements, so be ready. Inch day is a GREAT day. It takes the frustration of the scale and throws it right out the window because it puts in your face a living, breathing, tangible example of the fact that you all are accomplishing SO MUCH whether that scale says so immediately or not. For all of you frustrated by that god forsaken scale, remember that it has only been 28 days. Again, 28 days. Wrap your mind around that and realize that you’ve done more in 1 month that some people do in YEARS. I’m not exaggerating… I’ll be reminding everyone as we get nearer the time schedule in which I will be running the measurements. If you cannot make it, please e-mail me at I will most likely be doing a universal make up day so be ready to get a little flexible for me (TWSS). There is one of me and more than 50 of you… Thanks for the understanding :).

“Do this like Chris”

I just wanted to point out that Chris Keys, member of Team Black, lost 9 lbs this week. For those of you on Team Black, his work ethic is legendary after only 28 days. For those on Team Green, you’ll hear about him… I wanted to take this time to congratulate Chris. When someone fights as hard as he does (as you all do), it’s only right to broadcast the accomplishment! Speaking of accomplishments, the new board results will be up Monday ;).

Click HERE for 83 new pictures chronicling some of my favorites out of Team Green’s “Back Alley Beatdown”, Team Black’s Saturday “Upperbody massacre”, and our “Red, White, and Bruised” September 11th honor workout (Complete core destruction baby!). You know you want to!

– Hulk

PS special thanks to Tyrone Rivera and my beautifully gorgeous girlfriend Taryn Casalino! They ROCKED the decor while I weighed in and measured y’all. They truly are rockstars and I truly love them both. Over and out. 10-4. Roger that (no Jersey Shore)

You can't even see the other half of the team 🙂

Hey y’all! Just wanted to let you all know that this weekend was a GREAT one. It is worth repeating that as a group (both teams together) about 50 lbs were lost. in 7 days.

Again, about 50 lbs were lost. in 7 days. You are all DEFINITELY Hulk…

Another thing I’m proud of is that LAST challenge… I was pissed at the second weigh in. The video below not only will showcase how absolutely appalled I was at everyone’s reaction to the scale, but why. This is a GREAT reminder for EVERYONE who ever feels like that goddamn scale controls your life. It doesn’t. I know a lot of you have seen this video, but please, watch it again and remind yourself that YOU control your own destiny, whatever you want to achieve. The scale is merely another tool to use, not your life source. Do NOT let that scale control you…

I also wanted to share that we’ve got some GREAT stuff in the works going on! Team Green, be on the lookout for certain members of Team Black to be contacting you with their awesome ideas :). Team Black, you do the same :). With 1 week and 1 day down, remember we’ve got another 9 weeks to go. That’s over 2 months y’all… You’re going to achieve what some people take 2 and a half YEARS to do in 2 and a half months. Why? Because you’re motivated, have all the tools, and I’ll be honest… I’m pretty good at what I do :). I’ve taken out all the mistakes because I made all those mistakes myself! All that’s left is good good work!!! I love you all :).

– Hulk

A special message to everybody about to take part in this upcoming “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII”

– Hulk

Can't Wait for Diamondhead!

Hey hey, long time no talk! Well, there’s been reason for that… Those reasons which will be seen, heard, and experienced starting mid August… Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII is RIGHT around the corner! That, actually, is why I’m updating!

Before I get into that however, I would like to say… ALOHA! But, the “bye” version, because this guy is headed off to Hawaii! My wonderfully amazing girlfriend Taryn and I are headed to Oahu bright and early 5am tomorrow morning and needless to say, we’re excited! I will be BACK to regularly scheduled programming (for the most part) on August 8th. Until then, be sure to send me an e-mail at with any important inquiries or statement and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Now, everyone who has done a challenge before knows that it is a ZOO the first day. It also, unfortunately, takes a LOOOOOOONG time. Well, in order to make the process a whole hell of a lot smoother, I have decided to split apart the fit test and the “measurement” day. Here is the schedule. Be sure to read everything ALL THE WAY THROUGH before getting flustered and writing me immediately:

Team Green Fit Test – August 11th (Thursday) at 5:30pm (will be conducting fit tests until 7:30pm, but please come as early as possible so as to start the fit tests right on time at 6pm)

Team Black Fit Test – August 12th (Friday) at 5:30pm (will be conducting fit tests until 7:30pm, but please come as early as possible so as to start the fit tests right on time at 6pm)

If you are not able to make it to your designated teams fit test date, but ARE able to make it to the opposing team’s fit test date, that is completely alright! Be sure to e-mail me so that I have advanced noticed :).

If you are not able to make it to EITHER of those dates, then please e-mail me and we will schedule your make up fit test.

PLEASE keep in mind that it is VERY important that you make it to the fit test. I humbly request that everyone does everything they can to make it to one of these 2 dates for the fit test so as to maintain my sanity :). If there is NOTHING you can do and HAVE to reschedule your fit test date, I understand and will work with you if you are able to work with me. Everyone else, get ready to hammer out a work out those dates ;).

The way MEASUREMENT day is going to work is as follows:

Team Green Measurements – August 13th (Saturday) at 9am until 11am (show up no later than 10am).

Team Black Measurements – August 13th (Saturday) at 11:30am until 1:30pm (Show up no later than 12:30pm)

Both teams will be getting your circumference measurements recorded, blood pressure tested, body fat percentage tested, initial weigh-in, and “before” picture taken. You will also be filling out contact information, a questionnaire, and a “commitment contract”, as well as getting to know your fellow teammates!

I have stressed the importance of the fit test dates, but I REALLY have to stress the importance of the first day… I humbly request again that everyone does everything in their power to make it to the first day. Not just for me, but to be part of the experience… To meet everybody. To feel the anticipation and excitement in the air as it becomes “official” the journey you TRULY are about to embarking upon. Just like the fit test however, if there is NOTHING you can do and HAVE to miss the first day, e-mail me and we will work it out. In the meantime, get pumped or get dumped baby!

Also, I promise, this competition is a FRIENDLY competition. I know we’re intense, but not in a mean spirited way at all! If you have to do some stuff with the other team, don’t worry, you will be treated as you are… an adversary. After all, we’re all in the same boat, fighting the same good fight TOGETHER! Remember, you have a SAFE PLACE on Team Hulk :).

With that, I bid you all a farewell, for I have some packing to finish up… Meaning some tank tops and board shorts to throw into my bag ;).

I will miss you all! Aloha!

– Hulk

Tell 'em what your name IS!!!!!

Team Black (Meeting every Tuesday at 6:30pm and Saturday at 11:30am):

  • Stuart Alexander
  • Bud Hull
  • Gina Sarpy
  • Megan Gill
  • Chanra Gill
  • Jeff Martin
  • Matt Moniz
  • Kristie Clay
  • Meghan Auerswald
  • Jisaela Tenney
  • Lindsey Caddy
  • Cara Tocchini
  • Bobbi Rivera
  • Tammey L. Clark
  • Chris keys
  • Garry Baptista
  • Denise LaVenter
  • Jessica LaVenter
  • Julie Hogg
  • Jamie Bywater
  • Kima Lovold
  • Ian Nickles
  • Kelly Dawson
  • Pablo Zavala
  • Nicole Eaton
  • Amanda Vallee

Team Green (Meeting every Thursday at 6pm and Saturday at 10am):

  • Carlo Piscitello
  • Cory Lacy
  • Shaleena Gibson
  • Jessica Birrer
  • Adam Gray
  • Amanda Martin
  • Lorna Kennedy-Klein
  • Christina Kelly
  • Jessica Hewitt
  • Pete Macias
  • Jose Zavala
  • Chenoa Busic
  • Maggie Shuck
  • Kristina Lamb
  • Anne Musaelian
  • Jodi Curry
  • Ruben Martinez
  • Ana Rivas
  • Tanisha Larsen
  • Tami Larsen
  • Paul Larsen
  • Kevin John
  • Liz Rait
  • Sander Seymour


Introducing: Team Prime. Welcome Autobots!

So here’s how it’s goin’ down… The group thing has got people so jacked up that we couldn’t POSSIBLY stop the group training just because Hulk vs. Hulk starts August 13th! Solution? Let’s keep it goin’! Here is the group training Hulk/Prime combination as it be:

Thursday – 6pm – Trainer: Josh

Friday – 6:30pm – Trainer: Team Prime Tye

Saturday – 12pm – Trainer: Josh

The best part… the cost! Tye and I will be charging $10 an hour instead of $15 to make sure funds can stay alright (trust me, I understand it all adds up). In essence, $30 gets you 3 hours of kick ass workouts! What better way to either keep yourself on track OR get yourself prepped for Hulk vs. Hulk?!

E-mail, call, text, or smoke signal myself or Tyrone if you have any questions! I would also like to make the point that this is not “hulk only”… meaning if you’ve got some friends that wanna come, by all means bring ’em! Spread the word! The more the merrier baby ;). Can’t wait to kick butt with all you Hulksters and Autobots!

– Hulk

PS click on the picture, listen to the song, read the words, and get ready to dig like you’ve never dug before… The time is now y’all. If you’re not pumped, get dumped! When they ask, you tell ’em Hulksters…

PPS Well deserved of a repost. Thank you to John Bidleman for the fantastic production!

Hulk – Round VI Slideshow!

Tyrone and Bobbi’s Slideshow!

Final Chant!

More to come baby birds 😉

– Hulk